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How to become connected with seminars, workshops, presentations on topics of personal development

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Are there databases or website that organize and promote the type of seminars, workshops, presentations and retreats that are particularly geared towards personal development, actualization, meditation, consciousness, enlightenment, spirituality, etc. ?

I realize that I can google these topics on a frequent interval for my area, but I have had limited success with this strategy.  I was wondering if anyone was aware of a more structured database that advertises/promotes these events?

If not, does anyone have any recommendations or strategies on how they stay "in the know" regarding these events.

I am living in the United States.  

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Probably nothing better then google out there. 

To "stay in the know"... Go to an event that interests you. You'll usually find yourself on the teacher's or center's mailing list afterward. Soon you'll have more PD spam in your inbox then you can handle ;)

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