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From Being In Reality To Being Reality

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When I start meditation I sit still and listen to anything that will arise..  The point of this is my curiosity to see  if anyone gets a feeling or hint of "going from being "in" reality to "being" reality....

Throughout the day or my life I've always felt like I was  in This reality but to feel like you are it feels different or looks different....

not sure how to word it ...! anyways  This whole Enlightment stuff sounds fucken crazy . It really does sound crazy. You really have to be out of your mind hahahhah It almost as crazy as Christianity but the difference is that although they point at the same things the "PASTOR / PREACHER" translates all this funk into more beliefs and ideas ... They teach you to believe without question ... mind boggling!




dont respond if you are gonna say  " YOU " dont exist... or there is no you to see because there is no you ! blah blah blah i know all this conceptually ... Any direct pointing would be greatly appreciated though .. :P

Edited by theinevitableandi

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If you want to know what it feels like to be reality find yourself first.

You feel that you are in this reality. Who is that you? Do you know? Ask yourself the question: Who am I? in your meditations search for it inside the body. The mind will surely answer with thought, are you aware of that thought? Then you cannot be that thought. Keep going until you find yourself.


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3 hours ago, theinevitableandi said:

When I start meditation I sit still and listen to anything that will arise..  The point of this is my curiosity to see  if anyone gets a feeling or hint of "going from being "in" reality to "being" reality....

Throughout the day or my life I've always felt like I was  in This reality but to feel like you are it feels different or looks different....

not sure how to word it ...! anyways  This whole Enlightment stuff sounds fucken crazy . It really does sound crazy. You really have to be out of your mind hahahhah It almost as crazy as Christianity but the difference is that although they point at the same things the "PASTOR / PREACHER" translates all this funk into more beliefs and ideas ... They teach you to believe without question ... mind boggling!




dont respond if you are gonna say  " YOU " dont exist... or there is no you to see because there is no you ! blah blah blah i know all this conceptually ... Any direct pointing would be greatly appreciated though .. :P

Yes. I can flip my perspective in a subtle way. I just become aware that all I know are sight, sound, smell, touch, taste, and thought within the present moment. All else is a thought story, the content of a thought. I get present to feeling that I'm the container holding the content of my thought and my sense perceptions. Also, my perceptions aren't being perceived. Perceiving gives the implication that there is a sense mechanism to pick up on an external phenomenon. Perceptions are perhaps things-in-themselves. There is no perception happening. There is just content.

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@emerald :Also, my perceptions aren't being perceived. Perceiving gives the implication that there is a sense mechanism to pick up on an external phenomenon. Perceptions are perhaps things-in-themselves. There is no perception happening. There is just content.




Yes, there nothing perception, and this "nothingness" is the ground of all space -time, matter, molecules etc. This is the True Existential Self:)





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