
You got non-existence wrong

24 posts in this topic

Nothingness and emptiness and void are very misleading names for god, they are given merely for lack of better names.

All these names are seem to mean emptiness for us but they are not empty in absolute terms. In fact this emptiness is 100% full of itself, and itself is what its own substance, not some empty non-existence. 

These names can make you to think that god is 0 

but god is plus/minus 1.   Zero doesn't exist.

Nothingness is not non-existence, no-thing-ness is god, one consciousness, and substance of 1 god is 1 god, not non-existence which is 0

non-existence cannot be, therefore it does not exist. only existence is. consciousness is existence. it is just one power beyond imagination but it is not non-existence.

nothing in the universe turns into non-existence. it transforms into new.

you cannot imagine god not because you cannot imagine nothingness, but because you can't imagine everything(ness) at once

so in a sense, you do self-inquiry to find One which is everything, not to find void or nothing. you can't find nothing.

but in practice anything in your imagination is not this One. so you will need inquire as if you're getting rid of absolutely everything. but this doesn't mean you're looking for actual nothing, you're looking for oneness that contains everything but the way for everything is to find no-thing-ness.

meditation (which is same thing actually) is to be in the one moment, focus on one moment which is now. this one moment in presence contains everything. be more in one moment and you will be more as everything at once.

also, god or consciousness is actual, but not potential. potential does not exist. only actual does. this is why its miracle, god manifests in actual forms from what already existed in old forms!!! he doesn't make out total brand new staff. He is merely recreating old staff into even more marvelous new forms. thats how humans evolved from one-cell organisms!!! that's how everything works, even art = old forms mixed into new.

if he could make up everything from potential then he will create human immediately, why he needs some linear evolution???

he can only divide himself (divide and rule). he is one, and then he cuts himself into two and so on. and sees what will happen. everything is becoming more complex but it is still one.

here we go, duality, and cell's division into two

so in a sense, God has no clue what's he doing, nor he doesn't know his own potential, he's trying to figure out and have experience of finite, he only knows himself through being ever present oneness.

evolution is smart but simple (efficient). and god is smart but simple because he is order of 1 and 1 cannot be simpler than anything. but he is creating things in present moment, so he is trying to figure it out all the time, it is just free will of creative process and it can have its own 'faults' like genetic deceases arising due to 'problems' with order during creative process. but these are subjective faults because together it is all one and perfect. 

he is obsessed with order. that's the only thing he knows because he is one and 1 is perfect order. chaos cannot exist. everything is just shades of more order and less order, but overall its all one order - if it is less in one place then it is more in another, everything is balanced.

you can either be one again in this experience and be in perfect order and peace and be your true self, or be 'separated' from one and be in less order, it doesn't change oneness but it can change ever-changing big picture but picture is still one.

so all is well not because you are nothing but because you are everything. nothing is out of equation coz it cannot exists

so you can call it dream then it is all dream both in day and night. but it is not non-existence. 

you can awaken from separation and still call it dream or call it reality.

you can call it reality straight away, then your night dreams are real too. it doesn't matter, dreams = reality. but existence is not equal to non-existence. 

So we all exist, congrats. I can relax now after many months of being non-existent.

Edited by Monkey-man

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Blasphemer!  You will call it nothing and like it or be kicked out of the club!

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@Monkey-man You underestimate 0. You think you know what it is to say that God isn't it...

0 is not nothing and Nothing is not nothing, Non-existence is not nothing.  Back to the drawing board!


Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Monkey-man Even the name 'God' is given for lack of a better name ... Freedom is another name for no name left to lose.

Edited by snowleopard

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God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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34 minutes ago, Dodo said:

@Monkey-man You underestimate 0. You think you know what it is to say that God isn't it...

0 is not nothing and Nothing is not nothing, Non-existence is not nothing.  Back to the drawing board!


i think of nothing in terms of non-existence. and non-existence is not possible.

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9 hours ago, Monkey-man said:

Nothingness and emptiness and void are very misleading names for god, they are given merely for lack of better names.

What's even more misleading is that people focus on language and their dualities instead of being. *Hint* *hint*

Memento Mori

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1 minute ago, Mighty Mouse said:

People who refuse to take it on are just afraid to actually resolve their own bullshit so they resort to denying it instead.

Take what on?

Memento Mori

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this no thing is god.

you wouldn't be here if this no-thing is non-existence, and you are writing this coz you r in doubts yourself

there is only existence and it is one, that's all nonduality is about

it cannot be both non-existence and existence at the same time because you will simply put one above another

and it is only one.

and im being, im not focusing on my language and dual mind, its all comes from my being contemplations

Edited by Monkey-man

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11 minutes ago, Mighty Mouse said:

Duality. You don't get out by pretending that you're not already in over your head. You get out by taking everything apart to see what it's really made of.

I wasn't denying duality. Dualities are important to make but it's not being. If people are focused on arguing over distinctions they're gonna miss being.

Memento Mori

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2 minutes ago, Mighty Mouse said:

You are denying your own bullshit while spouting it and not even noticing the discrepancy, just like everyone else.

"Great wisdom is generous; petty wisdom is contentious."                                                                     — Chuang Tzu

Memento Mori

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Its all from being, Im not spouting, it is to point ppl what self-inquiry is. 

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18 minutes ago, Mighty Mouse said:

Gotta love this place

U giving up on me?

Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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btw its not for mental masturbatorium

it is merely to clarify that nothing assume no thing which is every thing, which is all existence 

it does not assume non-existence

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15 minutes ago, Mighty Mouse said:

We could get a divorce but I'm not sure we ever married. I might have been drunk that night.


Memento Mori

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2 hours ago, Monkey-man said:

i think of nothing in terms of non-existence. and non-existence is not possible.

There doesn't exist an apple in this sentence. - non existence. 

There exists an apple in this sentence ?. - existence. 

It all depends on the zoom level.

I think this conceptualization is not at all important,  just a distraction. 


Only Infinite Void+ Infinite Light exist. The rest is monkey mind. Here's more conceptualisation for you


Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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there's only existence, timeless, never begun and never end.

non-existence never was.

Edited by Monkey-man

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@Monkey-man If this is what self inquiry gets you I would stop doing self inquiry. The process of Enlightenment  is not attained though thinking. Especially thinking like this that is based on one incorrect assumption that is based on another incorrect assumption. I have self inquired and I find it useful but I must admit it is not and has never been my process toward enlightenment and maybe it is not yours ether.

Most of my gains come from meditating and a deeper and more complete understanding of awareness.

Your Self inquiry has  become a Gordian Knot the more you try to find the end and pull the tighter the knot gets. My suggestion is drop self inquiry and concentrate on different forms of meditation that get you familiar with awareness. All forms of meditation are nothing more than awareness training. Through that awareness you can directly experience what you are looking for.

Or if you want to go the burn out your brain route though frustration  to  achieve awareness. I suggest zen koans.


The process of Enlightenment is not based on intelligence.

All people can do here is point you in a direction. Telling you anything does not get you the direct experience. You have to get that yourself.

Good luck


Edited by Source_Mystic

I no longer advocate, participate, condone, or support or Leo Gura in anyway. The reasons are left in the few post I left behind. 

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Allen Watts: The system as a whole appears to be a distribution of solid entities or modes of energy in the midst of emptiness or space. Human consciousness preoccupies itself with these entities, and virtually ignores their spatial background. We consider it "nothing" in the sense of that which has neither importance nor significance, forgetting that without the spatial field, none of these entities could be manifested or distinguished. There is, however, between space and entity the same polar relationship as between crest and trough, for which reason "nothingness" is not simply the contrary or absence of "being", but rather its ground and origin. We believe so firmly in the maxim "ex nihilo nihil fit" – "nothing can come out of nothing" – that it is almost impossible for us to see that emptiness is the essential prerequisite for every form of being.

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