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What did language do to our minds?

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Prior to language we must have had different thoughts simply for the fact that we could not think in words that do not yet exist. I imagine humans made animal like cries (possibly influence by witnessing other animals do it), left big rocks and drew lines in the ground to leave simple messages etc

But eventually a thought pops into someone's head. 

"Where did this thought come from?" can not be a sentence that came to the first mind speaker as there simply weren't enough words.

People perhaps practiced verbalization in groups and slowly these vocal sounds became internal.  But we all know how neurotic and ego driven the internal voice is. Didn't these first mind speakers think that was god? Did our brains evolve and expand due to this very thing? Did our non verbal ancestors have silent, content minds? were unable to think in stages, like planning out something complex in their minds? Did they have animal like intuition instead of language? Why do I become somewhat non verbal if I meditate every day over a holiday break but feel so damn good?

Is language god, and is the internal voice a blessing to only be utilized conservatively?


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