
Stay Human!!! (Trip Report)

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@blazed it is not god who is afraid of itself. It is the human who is afraid of god. And that is natural. That is why human is human and not the god... stop playing god!

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5 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Enlightenment is about depth of awareness.  What makes one person more awake than another is that they have keener-awareness and can notice things that the less awake person can’t yet notice.  And that’s frustrating as hell to try to teach someone.  A genuine Enlightenment teacher, one who really genuinely cares about helping people, is a glutton for punishment because it’s really hard to help someone else raise their awareness.  Enlightenment is the most frustrating subject to try to teach.  I can attest to that.

Enlightenment is also about radical acceptance of what is, because it cannot be otherwise! 

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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14 minutes ago, Mighty Mouse said:

@egoless You can disappear into infinity and find out you were always that. But there's no reason why you should if you are where you want to be. Sounds to me you found something wonderful at least for now, and I don't see anything wrong with that. Most people would be damn lucky to be where you are, including the big mouths on this forum.

I'd suggest that everyone just lay off the guy, and if you're all such big shots then how about you shut those gaping barn doors and go disappear into infinity first.

I know what I saw and learned. They did not see what I did. I understand that they have their own paradigms. But I saw perfectly that there are no true or wrong ways to experience your life. It is your choice. And I choose to be the human. God needs my existence as human the same way as I need god to exist. I got all the answers. I am not going to argue with anybody here. I am in the perfect peace of existence right now. I will go now and enjoy every second of my life and thank god everyday for the life intended for me. 

Edited by egoless

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Fully living the human experience does not equate with exclusively identifying as that human. Any exclusive identification or attachment, whether it is being human or beyond human, is bound to be problematic, as any such attachment is transitory.  Again, just lovingly embrace it, and just as easily let it pass away. To everything there is a season.

Edited by snowleopard

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 Look until you get destroyed by its infinity!"

Infinity is so overwhelming - thank god every day that you are just finite human.

I understand you. I really do. It's pretty harcore.

However, you should realize that infinity is only overwhelming compared to the ego, compared to the illusory separate self that wants to exist. To that ego, 'absolute infinity' is a motherfucker-threat, cos realizing that reality/you is actually infinite - like REALLY FUCKING INFINITE - implies that this ego is: illusory (i.e. non-existant in the first place) and thus doesn't matter. 

To you, to the ego, this realization feels like death. But by reading your trip rapport one can read through the lines that you - as the ego - actually resisted this killing... the ego didn't die completely... It was about to get its head chopped off when you a voice inside your head started screaming "I CANT TAKE INFINITY, IT'S TOO OVERWHELMING. I JUST WANT TO BE HUMAN.' and thus you resisted tapping into the matter of actual infinity itself (resisted the death of your ego). Thus to me, it seems like you only saw infinity, you didn't become it. But still a big step. Contemplate and take a break from psychedelics, im sure at some point you will be ready to surrender completely.

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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Funny, as usual, how different interpretations are read into these descriptions. The message I read was that there may well be a point of no return, whereby the human experience could be fully transcended, and it wouldn't just be the so-called 'death' of the segregated, exclusive self-identity, it will be the termination of the human experience, and as such no posting in this forum.  However, it could be a misinterpretation of the message.

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@Mighty Mouse  What I interpret as so-called ego 'death' would be the termination of experiencing an exclusive identification as human. By termination of human experience I mean that the appearance of this body, however dreamlike it may be, would be gone, to return no more. In which case, good luck posting in this forum ;)

Edited by snowleopard

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4 hours ago, egoless said:

I learned my most profound lesson. From now on I am going to live sober. I already got everything I needed to know!

God's absolute infinity hit me right in the face. It was the most unforgiving lesson. It completely destroyed me. I learned very hard way to stop trying to become the god. We are humans. we are not god... God's infinity will completely destroy the human. Stop chasing infinity friends! I thought my journey as the human was to become the god but it is actually the opposite! God is becoming the human through us! Become the human! stay the human! 

This is what I wrote in the heart of the trip:

"You wanted to see the god? Now look into his eyes! Oh now you want to get out boy?! Too late! There is no way out! You got what you asked for now look! Look until you get destroyed by its infinity!"

Infinity is so overwhelming - thank god every day that you are just finite human. If you are chasing infinity stop it. Answer lies in being the human and living your life consciously exactly the way you are. Thank god everyday that your life is exactly how it is. See god's being in everything. 

Love is the god's footprint in humans. Follow that footprint, follow the love. There is no journey other than living your life as it is. Stop chasing anything. Just live, be free, love! Love your closed ones. Not only. Love all humans. Not only. Love all animals. Not only. Love every object. Because there is god's infinite love in everything. 

I don't want Enlightenment. I learned my most profound lesson. From now on, I am living my life. Thank you god for that I am human and I have the greatest gift to experience the life as human. 

I was bursting into tears when I was back to being human. I never want to be the god again!

Good luck everyone! Stay human!

Thanks, this is where I ended up as well

''I am surrounded by priests who repeat incessantly that their kingdom is not of this world, and yet they lay their hands on everything they can get'' (NapoleonBonaparte).

"We control matter because we control the mind. Reality is inside the skull. You will learn by degrees, Winston. There is nothing that we could not do. Invisibility, levitation—anything. I could float off this floor like a soap bubble if I wish to. I do not wish to, because the Party does not wish it. You must get rid of those nineteenth-century ideas about the laws of Nature. We make the laws of Nature." (1984)

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For all those who misunderstood my message. I found the perfect explanation of my experience by Rupert Spira. He is the greatest! Listen and maybe you will understand that ego is not a mistake! Ego is not the devil. Ego is no real separation. Ego is Willingly becoming finite so that infinite god can know itself more closely. This is the last explanation I give on this topic. Now sorry, I have the life ahead to enjoy ;) peace! 


Edited by egoless

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@Joseph Maynor there are stages of realization. Stop trying to understand my experience. It is mine. Yours is yours.


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@Outer English is not my first language. I had very clear realization of everything I was so desperately looking for. There is no where to look for it. You are already the god’s being in finite form. You can never become the god in this form. Because the god is infinity. And that’s the most amazing gift god offers to “himself” to experience it’s details through us. Rather than being only chaos of  infinite big picture. We are the god’s knowing of itself...

P.S. my experience was going full circle. I killed my ego. God became the god. God killed the god in me again and I became the human again. The realization, the knowledge was “downloaded” in me without words. It was other type of communication between the infinity and finite.

Edited by egoless

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@Outer my realization does not mean that I am complete in any ways. I will still have to work on myself to live the conscious life. By conscious life I mean not identifying with separate “entities” such as mind, thought, body or etc.. but rather to see myself as the knowing of this whole human experience which is ultimately  part of the god’s infinite being. That does not mean that mind, body or egoic desires are bad. No, not at all. It is all part of the same experience. And you are the knowing of it.

Ultimately there is no separation but at the same time there is the separation between finite and infinite. That is the paradox. And that’s what many don’t understand in my opinion. Including me before this realization.

You can never become the infinite in your current form.

Edited by egoless

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@egoless You've only glimpsed the infinite, if you grasped what it really meant to be infinite you would have experienced existential terror. 

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7 minutes ago, Bebop said:

@egoless You've only glimpsed the infinite, if you grasped what it really meant to be infinite you would have experienced existential terror. 

You don’t know what I’ve seen. :) but even so I don’t seek infinity anymore. That is not my “business” it is god who is infinite. I am not the god!

P.S. I agree that you can’t survive the entirety of infinity. But glimpse is enough to see that you are not the god.

Edited by egoless

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1 minute ago, egoless said:

You don’t know what I’ve seen. :) but even so I don’t seek infinity anymore. That is not my “business” it is god who is infinite. I am not the god!

Based on your report it sounds very similar to one of my previous trips, it's on my profile if you want to check it out. After that trip I thought I had it all figured out as well but turns out I was wrong after having a very terrifying trip of seeing what the word God points to. Not trying to argue with you but just remain humble, there are still further realizations to be had.

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7 minutes ago, Bebop said:

Based on your report it sounds very similar to one of my previous trips, it's on my profile if you want to check it out. After that trip I thought I had it all figured out as well but turns out I was wrong after having a very terrifying trip of seeing what the word God points to. Not trying to argue with you but just remain humble, there are still further realizations to be had.

I never said that I figured everything out.  The main realization here was that you are not the god. Human can never become the infinite. And that you stop chasing answers in that domain. The only “thing” you have/are is the knowing of god’s finite being in this world.

this realization also means that I stop chasing Enlightenment or any “epic” events. I realized that there is nobody to be Enlightened. 

Edited by egoless

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7 minutes ago, egoless said:

 The main realization here was that you are not the god. Human can never become the infinite.

That's where I disagree, infinite is one's true nature but it requires a dropping away of everything, including ego which is the false sense of self. 

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