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Damir Elezi

Everyday activities and conversations stress me out

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I don't know if I ever adressed this here on the forum but I noticed something within me, that has been bugging me for a long time now, whenever I start "grinding" more and working hard to create the life I want. When I create a compelling vision and try to make time in my life for taking serious steps in that direction, of course all my other duties and responsibilities in every day life don't disappear. My problem is that everything that is not somehow related to working on myself (like cleaning the house, working for money or talking to my family just to keep them updated) seems like a huge waste of time and I get pretty stressed and angry when I do something like that. Of course I notice that these simple things are part of life as well and they don't have to be distractions, but inside, I feel that they are. 

Now most of you would probably say "You are living in the future! Be mindful of what you're doing right now! Everything we do is meaningless AND meaningful at the same time! There is no difference, it's all one, just take some psychedelics and you will realize that! There is nothing to do!" Yeah. But Leo also says that a vision and hard work are very important for PD and I resonate with that as I am at a point in my life where I really want to create results. I am 20 years old, just moved out of my momma's house, earning my own money and looking for my path in life and I feel HUNGRY! I am DYING to create something, to do something great with my life and it feels like these small things are holding me back. 

Did you have the same problem when starting getting serious about PD and how did you come to accept the small tasks of everyday life? I would love to talk to you about your own experiences :)

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First of all you should not ask then answer by yourself lol

So. . . To me PD goes along with Life itself you dont have to go and live on top of a mountain to improve yourself and lose yourself in the same time. About the earthly things like keeping your house clean should be done, that's all. Maybe in a zen way maybe by becoming green with anger you still have to do that if you want a clean and healthy place to live. . . About updating your family we're talking about human relationships : they should stay the same if you did or not PD anyways. . . Feeling hungry for greatness might work against you at the end, be very careful. 

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For me even though I have big dreams I don't want to end up just worrying about not achieving them when I'm doing things not so directly related to it. If I were to get frustrated every time I have to for example study something I'm not so into, I'd just procrastinate and go into a spiral of negative thoughts. So although I have those dreams, I'm happy to do what I must for them. Getting too frustrated would another ego trap. It's sometimes a small balancing act.

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