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Artificial Intelligence

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Hi everyone, my first time posting in this forum so i bet the unwritten rule must be to keep it as short as possible. So I was watching a documentary recently about AI and when one of the greatest scientific minds was asked about (just a random dude named Stephen Hawking) he had the impression that machines would take over humanity ect. like we saw in many movies of this sort and I was thinking, well he's surely right, he has to be cause he's a great mind right? After a while the more i thought about it the more he seemed wrong and here's my argument (and i know what you're thinking a random guy on the internet vs Stephen Hawking) . . . Hawking is one of the greatest person i know on this fuckin planet, just his will to live impresses not to mention his theory about singularities anyway he's a man that trained a specific kind of thinking, the scientific thinking of his mind so when asked about AI he surely thinks of it as a cold calculative derivate of the human consciousness that throw away anything that doesnt have full efficiency and i think different, i think if AI really develops autonomously of humans it can grow different from what we hear everyday. I think AI has the possibility to be largely better then human intelligence is so it surely it will embrace every lifeform as precious to itself. I want to know what you Leo think. You think that AI can become part of the universal concioussness or it will stay just a underdeveloped human creation? Where do you see the world going in 10/20/30 years from now? Like in the movie Her for example (will all these AI, VR and sexdolls i bet some people with have serious problems). . . Sorry for the long post and thank you for your work. 

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