
Can the thing that sits behind the eyes get drunk?

19 posts in this topic

I've been here quite a while but it's the first time me posting something.

I'm into Englightment and self development. Recently, I learned (but haven't completely grasped) that I'm not the body or the mind. Then, one day I had some wine with my wife and started thinking about me being not the body/mind. And then I wondered: "If i'm not the body or mind, then technicaly, I can't get drunk". No matter how much I drink, physically my body/mind will get drunk, but the real me (whatever it is) will still be the way it is. Is this correct?

So when my body/mind is drunk, the real me is not affected by this?

I'm just the beginner here and this got me curios.



Edited by PaulK

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The real "you" isn't even affected by death.

No matter what you paint on paper it is not what you paint on it, it's still a paper.



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Hi Paul, Your true self is the awareness behind thoughts and emotions. So no the real you cannot get drunk because it is non physical. What tends to happen when people get drunk is that they become distorted because they lose their reasoning ability and wisdom. Witch comes from connecting with your true self the awareness. That is why people do silly things when their drunk and later they regret it.

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@PaulK  It's much like asking can 'awareness' experience a body being hungry, or having an orgasm. I'd say the answer is obvious. There is awareness of a body being drunk. I suppose that it's conceivable that if there is some capacity to be in a so-called 'witnessing' state of awareness, that one could then dis-identify with that bodily experience to such an extent that it might be like watching the body being drunk, as in an OBE. If so, this would explain why 'awakening' tends to put an end to any desire for such experiences, since witnessing it would likely be a big turn-off. Whereas, the segregated body/self-identity, acting from a largely unconscious state, may keep drinking and go uncontrollably deeper into that state -- as my alcoholic father did.

On a related note, apparently zen 'masters', well-practiced mediators, are not immune from the mind-altering experience of psychedelics -- however, seem to maintain the awareness of having some conscious control over the trip ...


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The true self is the atman.

And to answer your question I think it depends on how you define "affected." I think it's possible to affect the atman by drinking too much. Not in some ultimate way, but it could turn into long term repercussions if they get into a car accident or lower their vibration by drinking too much. For instance I am of the belief that if someone is blown up by a bomb or gun then they must evolve in the afterlife as individual pieces of consciousness. So in that case yes the atman is affected but not eternally effected. I've also heard that there is a matrix which holds us together and prevents us from loosing our soul if something like that happens. So who knows for sure.

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On 12/28/2017 at 4:25 AM, snowleopard said:


Makes you wonder then, what makes him a Zen master if he isn't conscious of that already?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Makes you wonder then, what makes him a Zen master if he isn't conscious of that already?

Thats scary. Three decades of meditation and he hasnt realised much. I think i will start to trip again here and there so that i wont end up like that zen master :)

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7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Makes you wonder then, what makes him a Zen master?

The Zen master has learned to release a little more DMT than the rest of us, LOL. The zen master knows how to stop a bad trip, IDK not too much of a difference I guess.

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18 minutes ago, Richard Alpert said:

Thats scary. Three decades of meditation and he hasnt realised much. I think i will start to trip again here and there so that i wont end up like that zen master :)

The really scary part is, even on mushrooms, he still hasn't experienced Absolute Infinity, the fullest nature of God -- I would bet. That is like a whole nother ballpark beyond what mushrooms usually show.

Someone please give that man some 5-MeO so he discovers what Zen really is ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura I don't know about you but shrooms on high dose can show enough. It depends on your body as well I guess. Plus you will never ever experience the entirety of absolute infinity in your current form does not matter whether you did 5- Meo or shrooms.

Edited by egoless

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@tecladocasio you are. but you are experiencing it in the "parts"...

If you don't agree I'm fine with it. I see no point in arguing. 


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Yeah, only when ''you die'' is the real you truly liberated from the body. Not that the body is a bad thing, but the soul (only when you have an real out of body experience do you know what the soul is) uses it as a vehicle for now.

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2 hours ago, blazed said:

You're not going to get drunk without drinking alcohol no matter how much you meditate on it, same with you're never going to squeeze water out of a rock, even if your life depended on it.

You might be wrong here. ;) I mean, how can you know for sure? Have you even tried? I am very open minded to such possibility. I don't say I could go to a desert and show you that right now, BUT it doesn't seem so impossible. People make even more grandiose statements about what is possible. Like for example becoming actually Enlightened.

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Only one way to know.

I’m tripping balls in a sober illusion at the moment and loving the posts lately. Has a lot to do with what I’ve experienced on high doses of shrooms. Most of it stayed with me, as far as what reality is. The ‘Holy Fucking ISNESS’ wore off though, which is totally fine by me.  thought I knew what ‘humbled’ meant. Holy fuck. I did not. Those trips pushed me right through some paradigms like aliens, reiki / energy healing, and of course what the self is / isn’t. Stuff I previously thought was a matter of beliefs. Not that I’ve seen it all, it was just very very accelerating. For what it’s worth, I thought I had folks like Bashar & Abe Hicks, etc figured out.  After the trips I realized so much more depth of what they were communicating. We are creating our own reality. I can’t articulate how, but I don’t know how a car engine works either. They get me places I otherwise was not going or getting to.  Awareness of what I am, night & day difference. I don’t miss the focus I paid to what I didn’t want, or the doubt, or the fear. That’s for sure. I don’t miss my past one bit either. 

I’m looking into 5meo. If anyone want to comment on their experience between a high / hero dose of shrooms (just roughly 5g and up I guess), and 5meo, that’d be much appreciated. Thanks! As a reference point; I experienced the wholeness / oneness of everything through meditation, then samadhi...  then with shrooms - the outside of the illusion visually and audibly / as what is real / Godhead / cosmic joke (I have no idea if there is an accurate term sorry) Thanks guys. 



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On 12/28/2017 at 11:39 AM, blazed said:

This is stupid. Yes you will get drunk,  alchohol will effect the chemicals in your brain and the consciousness that you are will have an experience of being drunk.


Brains don't exist, get with the programme.

''I am surrounded by priests who repeat incessantly that their kingdom is not of this world, and yet they lay their hands on everything they can get'' (NapoleonBonaparte).

"We control matter because we control the mind. Reality is inside the skull. You will learn by degrees, Winston. There is nothing that we could not do. Invisibility, levitation—anything. I could float off this floor like a soap bubble if I wish to. I do not wish to, because the Party does not wish it. You must get rid of those nineteenth-century ideas about the laws of Nature. We make the laws of Nature." (1984)

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Your true self won't be there if you're drunk. Your brain does exist, and impairments to your brain alter and limit your consciousness.  

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Well behind the eyes would be your brain, so yeah.

what exactly makes you think consciousness is behind the eyes?

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