
There are infinite parallel realities, and they are all equally "real", though you experience only 1 version at any given moment. - Bashar

44 posts in this topic

@AleksM Are you fucking kidding me?  Seriously you can not see that this is complete bull shit. Well please go and get your $175-200  "permission slip" So you can cast your cosmic vote.

I no longer advocate, participate, condone, or support or Leo Gura in anyway. The reasons are left in the few post I left behind. 

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1 hour ago, Will Bigger said:

my current thinking is that law of attraction doesn’t need any quantum mechanics mumbo jumbo to explain it;

Exactly, its not because they are similar that they explain one another. It's just fascinating that there is certain scientific indication that could perhaps one day prove concepts such as a law of attraction exists.


As for these theories. They are just theories that are in accordance with the math behind quantum physics.
They are not proven because it's almost impossible currently to measure in the field that multiple worlds get created. Much like they can also not measure and detect pilot waves, even if they provide a mathematical solution to the problem.

The fascinating thing about quantum physics, is scientists agree on this situation of interaction changing reality. But they don't know how this works, or why. They can prove that it is so, but they cannot currently prove why it is so.

I guess it has little to do with the spiritual practices. But its fascinating to me to see how much quantum mechanics is coming close with the spiritual and metaphysical. I think it would be cool if they could really integrate spirituality as fact into science. 

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You are collecting evidence to confirm your beliefs (confirmation bias - the tendency to seek evidence that agrees with one's belief system - that is, people do not test their beliefs about the world by trying to disconfirm them, but rather, by trying to confirm them).

We are not talking here about if Bashar is legit or not. Nobody is interested in opinions. If you don't like it, then go somewhere else and don't waste your time commenting. That is called wisdom.   End of.

Also read this pinned post by Leo:

I am more interested in learning what he teaches than buying the crystal.

BTW crystals can store memory and scientists are working on that to create computers with the use of crystals as storage devices. The memory inside them can last for 14 billion years and it can store 360TB in a small disc of the size of a coin. 

Edited by AleksM

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16 minutes ago, Dodo said:

If you don't want to buy, there is a ton of free content, and whatever the situation, this guy speaks truths. If a scammer is still speaking truth, it doesn't matter that he's a scammer. Actually I believe he is not a scam and also I don't see anything bad in Darryl Anka trying to make a living out of what he offers. So does Leo and anyone who doesn't want to live in a cave. 

There is a huge difference between leo and Darryl Anka.  Leo sells two products as far as I know a life purpose course and a book list. He has also said he does life coaching.   He puts out 97% of his content out  for free.  He genuinely wants people to have the tools to do better he reads study's and meditates. then he shares the conclusions he come to.  Leo  is not channeling divine truth under a guise or mask. 

There is definite harm in deception especially deception coming from a supposed enlightened being.

Of what use does an multidimensional being from the future have for money. You guys want to be deceived go ahead have at it. I will not even waste anymore time on this thread.

Edited by Source_Mystic

I no longer advocate, participate, condone, or support or Leo Gura in anyway. The reasons are left in the few post I left behind. 

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People it is so wise to stop arguing and follow your experience. If you know something is true for you then why do you feel the urge to argue with others. Our community would be much more productive if we just shared our experiences and those who find it useful could get the new insights for them. What’s the point in arguing over somebody’s Enlightenment. 

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@zazed “almost impossible”? Or impossible? That’s kind of what I’m asking. What, in your experience, led you to favor many worlds, vs Copenhagen. It’s entirely possible that mw’s Has been proven to be the actual situation and maybe I’ve missed it. Either way, I’m interested to know. Thanks! 



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25 minutes ago, Source_Mystic said:

There is a huge difference between leo and Darryl Anka.  Leo sells two products as far as I know a life purpose course and a book list. He has also said he does life coaching.   He puts out 97% of his content out  for free.  He genuinely wants people to have the tools to do better he reads study's and meditates. then he shares the conclusions he come to.  Leo  is not channeling divine truth under a guise or mask. 

There is definite harm in deception especially deception coming from a supposed enlightened being.

Of what use does an multidimensional being from the future have for money. You guys want to be deceived go ahead have at it. I will not even waste anymore time on this thread.

I never even knew Bashar has paid content until you mentioned it. The free content is enough to get the wisdom. Judge the content, not where it's coming from..

Bashar isn't supposed to need money, sure, but the argument is invalid, because it's not Bashar who gets the money, it's Darryl Anka, who is not the supposed alien. Goes to show that you are simply with an agenda to try to discredit the guy. Nothing personal, but that's just how I see it. 

I can't speak about the crystal's functionality, because I haven't tried it. I can't judge something as correct or incorrect if I haven't tried it. Recently I am led to believe that the world is much more magical than I realise, especially when geometry is concerned. 

Btw thanks for showing me this vid. I already have attempted to re-draw it, so now I have a permission slip hanging on my wall - for free! I'll keep you updated if something happens ;) :P 

Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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I'm not a scientist, but i believe proving this plain impossible. To prove this they would have to cross into multiple worlds to take a look. To prove the Copenhagen they would have to observe a probability wave which collapses due to observation. As such neither are soon to be tested in any way.
At this point it is just science saying "Hey, this idea could explain what we are seeing and also conforms to the math we know is correct"

I have no preference, the original topic just reminded me of many worlds theory, didn't imply any agreement or belief by it. This Stanford Theoretical Physicist even says the universe could be a holographic projection :D 


Something weird is definitely going on, and science is hitting upon the fabric of creation itself, and they cannot explain or even understand what is being observed there.

I've read somewhere totally unrelated, consciousness is the universe experiencing itself trough us, and we are all one. If the universe is consciousness and consciousness is the universe, perhaps that explains why observation and reality are so intertwined.

The Copenhagen interpretation is scientifically the most clean solution i think, because it does not try to claim more than what has been observed. The only thing that exists is a mathematical wave function that can result in a dead or an alive cat. Maybe this implies the universe only exists as waves of chance, until someone observes it. As so far as a mathematical function is a real thing, and not rather a construct to help understand reality.



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4 hours ago, egoless said:

People it is so wise to stop arguing and follow your experience. If you know something is true for you then why do you feel the urge to argue with others. Our community would be much more productive if we just shared our experiences and those who find it useful could get the new insights for them. What’s the point in arguing over somebody’s Enlightenment. 

In all honesty that was one of the most benign and respectable internet arguments I've come across in a long time. I don't know if anyone here should be lecturing others on ego in such specific terms, and advertising spiritual services on Leo's site isn't really respecting what Leo has put in here as this site alone would be a massive financial and metal stress. Also false idols need to be questioned, everyone is a suspect, trusting everything is not the way to survival and once you are dead that could be it for human existence so don't blindly trust everything because you believe you have eternal being waiting for you. If a killer follows their heart and trust they go and kill people, trust and truth are not some absolute morality.

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If something bothers you, its a sign of dis-alignment with your natural, true core-self.


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7 hours ago, Source_Mystic said:

Anytime someone is telling you that they are an intermediate between you and anything and they say they are going to share for a price be skeptical be very skepticalMr Darryl Anka's motivations are as transparent as the so called crystals he sells. 


Truth ^

Tbh, many people can practice journeying and will come to their own revelations that are much more powerful than any teacher can give you.

Spirits, guides, totems, ancestors, dieties, beings, they can be encountered/channeled/interacted with through your own inner unraveling and if you ask your guides, they will tell you, 'look within for the answers.'  They are a source of wisdom, inspiration and unconditional love, there is no price tag on them - but you do need to give to them to take - as is how energy/flow works.  Open your heart and give thanks to them for looking after you, eat and drink and live with peace and contentment as they live through your experience.  Give to that experience.  Feed the good wolf.

(Lyrics explain better than I ever could )

The original post - Don't have an opinion on parallel universes.  It sounds interesting and reminds me of the law of attraction.  The amount of information on the subject in this thread is great.  I might look into it more later if I have the time.


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Okay I have to ask

Even if Bashar speaks some variation of truth, why go to him when there are so many other non-dual teachers that dont sully spirituality by selling magical crystals?

Edited by Mafortu

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Even if you travel through parallel realities why are you a different you in those realities. Can someone tell me?

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This made me laugh this is exactly what i am realizing while i am in the vipassana meditation retreat, i reflect back to my different pasts and who is typing now and one of my past is some what in different dimension, now i am here, I don't know what dinension i am in after months or weeks moving forward.. ohh mannn!! This experience when you read that and when your experience it, that is not it! It is like enlightenment... so gooooooo say yes to lifeeeeee!! Who knows the dimension i will have in the next month, this guy right here typing this to forum, will become the president of the philippines or president of America or Nobel prize winner. HAhahahaha it is inifnite possibilities! Haaaay!! Or i will create something that the whole world will be surprise ahahahahah 

Edited by John Iverson

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On 11/27/2018 at 4:19 PM, Shiva said:

Parallel realities is also a concept that will ultimately collapse.

Yea it will collapse but if you are in the moment and try to reflect back to your pasts selves? Man! You will be shocked and over whelm to life.. past is illusion yes because the magic of it is completely in the present you will see version of your self in a present moment.. who are you and what situation or what kind of events are you in , in your childhood and today watching Leo's video can you compare ? They are in different dimension of life man! It is magical.. maybe in the next month you will become someone you don't imagine you will come in that present moment in your life.. this is happening you know! When you reflect back the person you come across you are not imagine you they will come across to you in this moment you don't see it coming dude it is amazinggg!! Wooohhhhh!

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Just a quick thought.. Are there perpendicular realities? 

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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