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Experiencing disassociation with the mind, please help

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Hi there,

I feel like I am losing my mind, and I am still afraid to let go. Could someone please let me know if there are steps I can take, spiritually speaking?

Thank you 

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@faith hi Faith. Sounds like youre having depersonalizations.

Its generally caused by you going through more than You can integrate at a reasonable pace so your consciousness sort of chekcs out.


What is really helpful is to somehow ground yourself in reality. Sit in a posture (or lie) thats comfortable, prefferably hug yourself, your legs, and bring loving attention to your emotional body.


Depersonalization is not your enemY, and this will make it easier for the integration to happen.

Hope this helps, have much luck!

Edited by Martin123

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@faith First of all, remind yourself that it's totally normal. Because - hey, it's happening! 

All the fears come from the victim position. Remember that you are the Master of your life. And now, when you have doubts/fears - you've just forgot it. It's perfectly alright!

Just remind yourself that you've created the situation you're in. And try to ask yourself: How have I created this situation? Why do I need this situation? What does this situation try to teach me?

All the answers are there, trust me. After you've found your answers, thank your mind. It's just trying to help you. If you haven't found your answers, thank it anyways - it's alright, just try again, you will succeed. Nothing is hidden from you. You've just forgot how to take ownership of your life.


Edited by Serge

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Dissociation is usually caused by a trauma that has not been processed emotionally.  A therapist can help you work through this.

It is often called 'soul loss' in spiritual circles, and a spiritual healer who has a lot of experience would be qualified to help you bring back aspects of your soul.

Acupuncture is also an option.

Walking through nature on your bare feet, gardening and getting your hands into the soil to reconnect with nature's energies.

Do you have a yard or a place to hike?  The opposite of air is earth.


This has some information on soul loss and retrieval, from the shamanic perspective.  Take with you what fits with your personal belief system. 

Try playing this loudly w earphones, feels like a brain massage, pushes the overactive side parts of the brain to the front and center.

Edited by Annetta

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