Instagram sucks?

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I have never had an account on Instagram.

Recently I make a lot new friends. Some of them ask me for Instagram.

I don't know whether open an account or not. I like the idea of posting some pictures of mine. I would like being the subject, being the center of attention. I would like to see others' images and to click the like button if I want to. I could keep certain friendships more easily, for example with the friends I made abroad , eccetera...

But, then, I think it could be so egoistic. Maybe it would be a waste of time and mental energy. I have the number of the people I really care about and I think I don't need Instagram.

Yes, it could help to extend friendship, but what kind of friendship would it be?

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I don't want an absolute answer. Just an opinion based on your personal experience with this kind of social networks

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1 hour ago, F A B said:

I don't want an absolute answer. Just an opinion based on your personal experience with this kind of social networks

Obviously don’t get an Instagram account. It’s going to melt your brain, waste your precious time and make you feel as if you’re missing out. 

Its almost like you already know the answer to this.

Maybe the question you should ask yourself is - do I need validation from other people (likes) in order to gain my own satisfaction? 


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Unfortunately I'm going to give you an absolute answer though you'd like to not hear one.


23 hours ago, F A B said:

But, then, I think it could be so egoistic. Maybe it would be a waste of time and mental energy. I have the number of the people I really care about and I think I don't need Instagram.


This is all you will gain, it will be another 'un-filtering' of what you are inputting into your psyche. You will not gain  any friendships from this, in fact it will likely dampen whatever connections you do have in person currently. - If they want to contact you, more traditional means would be a better way to go.

Don't fall into the trap - as this has no beneficial value to you whatsoever, you will only be strengthening your weaknesses and ultimately adding another addiction to your life that you don't need.



Edited by Omni

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I think that Instagram would only make those egotistical desires stronger, and then you'd become unsatisfied with the low amount of likes, followers, and whatnot. It is your decision though...

"Enmeshed, entangled, you..." -Lucretius

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Maybe it could offer you something if you are REALLY selective about which profiles you choose to follow. For example if you're an artist and would like to see the work of other inspiring artist.

I am myself, heaven and hell.

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Instagram is a great tool for me! But I'm an artist. I use the platform to be inspired, to connect with creatives and to share my own work. It's an online gallery for me. 

On the other hand, it's quite easy to be distracted on the platform, too. Especially with Instagram TV, stories and the "discovery" section. You can literally scroll down forever and it's visually very appealing. That's why I avoid it. 

So really think about why you want to be on the platform. We can't decide that for you. Judging by the title and what you've said it's better to avoid it ;)



Edited by Vitamine Water

The art is to look without looking 

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For me Instagram is the new Facebook.

I was an early user and it was fun to make photos and share them online, to do creative stuff. But nowadays it is full of ads, the timeline is broken and  in general low consciousness stuff. I also find it very addictive.

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It can make dating easier but tinder is more effective.

Its so popular because its the most mobile friendly social network there is. And 95% of people use mobile to browse the internet nowadays. Dont even dare to upload a landscape picture! :D 

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Get rid of all social media. Only use LinkedIn for professional purposes.

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If you have a business that you are trying to market or are trying to approach certain group of people with a message,instagram is a grat tool. Most people use it for self-promotion, and ego masturbation so that's a risk. 

As long as you don't start following bunch of crap but only what is relevant to you, Instagram can be useful even educational. 

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The real question is, can you handle it? Can you use Instagram with awareness? 

Most people can't. These websites are designed to make you kill time on them. It's why so many people say don't do it. Those who say you can't connect/make friends etc etc are taking an extreme position that's not really true. It's more of an exaggeration to highlight how addicting social media is. 

It helps if you cater your feed to exactly what you're looking for and cut out the nonsense. Have a clear purpose in mind and don't just go on it because you're bored. 

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