
Consciousness-Brain vs Brain-Consciosness

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This is the deciding battle between the Truth and the False. Based on what we are sure that consciousness is prior to brain and not viseversa? In other words what is the proof that consciousness is prior to “matter”? @Leo Gura Right now after very long contemplation these two possibilities seem equally possible to me. Can you put the final nail in the materialistic possibility? The thing that materialistic world needs a beginning is not sufficient answer because we can say the same about consciousness as well. And if we take as an axiom that the consciousness is the infinite without the beginning or ending why the same can not be asumed about the materialistic world?

In your video about why brain does not exist. You didn’t really anawer this question directly. In other words you did not present the clear proof. 


Edited by egoless

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Disclaimer: I'm not speaking from an enlightened perspective, nor can I say for sure I'm speaking with enough experience, but here's my take.

There is no 'prior' or a one that surpasses the other, with one simply follows the other. Matter/Energy/"reality" is a derivative of consciousness; and vise-versa. You need one to reflect the other for these 'frames of reference' or 'existence' to take place. Otherwise you are what? Nothing. But that's the funny thing, is that either way the end result still thrives, you are nothing experiencing something.

But hey, I'm probably just jerking off my brain right now - back to the confines of my mind.

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Do you realize yet that you are playing word games that are totally keeping you stuck in the map — when what you need to fully appreciate is the territory?  What can you tell me about nothingness?  Not the word, but what the word is pointing to?  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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I am going to tell you the future

  • Leo or one of his parrots "will come in and tell you there is no brains" 
  • Then you should tell him/them  "there is no words ether."

Then there will be silence.

Problem solved my work is done.


I no longer advocate, participate, condone, or support or Leo Gura in anyway. The reasons are left in the few post I left behind. 

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Stop this mental-masturbation.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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