
Good Is The Enemy Of Great.

3 posts in this topic

Yesterday i had a very intense meeting at my job. I felt a great amount of pressure and stress. I have suffered from that whole afternoon and night. I had a nightmare about that meeting.

To avoid this unpleasant emotion, my mind has been daydreaming pleasant stories about how the meeting could be different in a better for me.

Then over and over, I reminded to myself that this not me who is suffering but its my mind, self image or anything else but not me.I am an space and can not suffer. But I could not focus on that longer than a minute and I was finding my self in the middle of another dream and though.

I was not able to put an end to my suffering via enlightenment. I was/am not enlightened. So I took a step back. Instead of trying not to remind to myself but acknowledge that it is not me who is suffering,to resolve it, I start to focus on the emotional pain, stay with it, feel it in myself and notice it in my body. 


Let consider enlightenment is the great we want to be.

Now,I have been studying and practicing self development for a quite while and I learn some good skills and it feels like this make me to more easily go back to those good skills instead of pushing through difficulties and achieve greatness. 

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how long have you been practising meditation/self enquiry for?

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I have been meditating on & off for years but have been doing it 20min every day for 2 months now

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