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Honestly I didn't know what to name this thread - and I don't believe there would be a better section for this.

Keep in mind this is NOT suggesting that you spend all your time meditating/self inquiry listening to music, this is simply to expand your experiences and try out new things that may stimulate new reactions.

So why am I making this post? Honestly I believe these select Albums are worth trying with self inquiry/contemplation, and (SOMETIMES) for psychedelic experiences, though I only listen to music for a fraction of my trips - these ones seem to stand out as thought-provoking and stimulating for consciousness, though this is vastly subjective, even while sober.

I will give a brief description of the albums as a whole, and select songs that I feel really stand out - and WHY.
Note: FULL ALBUMS linked will be in a 'spoiler box' under the songs I post relative to the album.

Feel free to post some of your guys' here as well as I'm interested in what others listen to.

Firstly I'd like to introduce you to the instrumental band Pomegranate Tiger;
Don't let the initial sound fool you, this band has an overall sound that is like no other. The complexity orchestrated into the masterpiece of 'Boundless' should not go unrecognized. The outstanding melodies mixed with heavier rhythm gives a new kind of life to this style of music.

Why do I think Pomegranate Tiger is worth listening to? While meditating or contemplating, the Atmosphere behind the music takes you through a journey through your own emotions, as if it were it's own guide. Granted this could be said for a lot of music, it's very evident that there is a very particular methodology here that is hard to match.

Example: Going from the song 'Ovation' to ''The Masked Ball' There is a transition of completely different sounds to the music

Edited by Omni

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Secondly, not an instrumental band - but Artificial Language is definitely on to something.

These kids are clearly beyond their years musically. The generalized sound that this band hits is completely insane. The work that was put into their first album was absolutely astounding. (They're currently working on a new album!) - They blend effortlessly together, every harmonization between each instrument is incredible.

This isn't even all to mention that their concept album 'The Observer' is about first & third person perspectives via an entity that is locked in it's own perpetual 'Hell' experiencing ALL of life's tragedies through first person, then after in third person - Agonizing the mistakes it had made.

Why do I suggest Artificial Language? Aside from the consciousness-perspective topic, this band packs a punch in multiple ways. Their delivery and story telling behind the concept is profound and honestly it's worth getting into the lyrical aspect of this band if you really want to do some serious contemplation while listening.

'Mazes' or 'Fortune Teller' displays their performance and musicianship probably better than any other songs on their album, but that's not to say the rest of it is not listening to by any means.


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Third - Karnivool is blatantly on the right track with consciousness & potentially even enlightenment.

I'm actually very disappointed I didn't find these guys sooner than late last year - they are absolutely incredible musicians, and the lyrics absolutely top it off wonderfully.

Their Third Release - Sound Awake It will take you through a wonderful ride of it's own accord, laying track for track some absolutely astounding rhythms and melodies to mesh such a masterpiece together. And by the name of the album, you can certainly bet that it they focus on consciousness and critical thought through a very abstract angle.

Why do I suggest Karnivool? The distinct tone and vibe that you will get from their music will send you into a trance-like state, carrying you along through such a marvelous conceptualization of what they believe 'waking up' is. The lyricism and vocal patterns are not lacking by any means, and will certainly leave you in flux with your mood, in a good sense.

Edited by Omni

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Fourth - Monuments is a much heavier band I hold dear as they have brought such a diversity to a genre that has been slightly lacking for quite some time.

With the addition of Chris Baretto on vocals introduced for their second album "The Amanuensis", he added such a dynamic to them that is rarely seen in metal. Not only does this entire concept album circulate and the beginning stemming from the ending(I, the Creator - I, the Destroyer), each song will take you through a journey taken from the 'Samsara' concept. In which the main protagonist starts in a place known as Saga City in the bottom of a well with a book of prophecy that shows the cycle of reality. With the Land corrupted by a tyrannical government who ends up killing all of his friends sets out on a quest to dethrone the king and attain vengeance - in turn he goes through mystical trials, learning more about himself and the depths of his mind. He later confronts this king with all the wisdom and experience he had acquired and ends up turning into the God of Destruction - obliterating reality completely from his rage. - granted this is a vague overview the story itself is great.

Why do I suggest Monuments? Simply put, despite their 'heaviness' and most people's ability to listen to metal, I'd say this band can't be simply categorized as such, for the musicality stretches far beyond that, and given the opportunity - I'm sure people would agree by one full listen, this band breaks through the typicality with sheer passion through each musician almost like 'weaving' their roles together for one immense, profound piece of art.

P.S. Give Jinn more than a 15 second chance, you will be surprised the direction it goes.


Edited by Omni

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