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Hi everyone im a new member of this group i would just like to say that ive been really thankful that i have seen these videos and it helped me out so much and one of the best videos i have ever watched that made me a fan of actualized. Org is Mindfulness. I was having depression backthen and a friend told me about actualized.org. I watched the 14 minute video about mindfullness and i practiced it and when i was being mindful of my emotion and depression it stopped...and i was so happy cause i realized why am i depressed. In just seconds my depression vanished and sadness stopped when i got conscious about it. It happened again when my boyfriend and I had a fight and I was very upset but suddenly i rememberes mindfulness again and i did not feel sadness anymore...

But can someone help me..i tried to practice mindfulness again when i am getting sad but i cant practice it anymore...i know in my heart and mind that i am sad..i just want to know if anyone had experienced this and how did they got back to being mindful and controlled their emotions..pls...help me thank you

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You need to take that practice of Mindfulness and develop it deeper. Start to do newbie personal development work and start to look into the Enlightenment materials.  This journey is a marathon, not a sprint.  The amount of work you still need to do is huge.  But congrats on realizing the importance of Mindfulness — it’s the foundation technique for raising-awareness.  Your practice of Mindfulness will get better and better as you continue to walk this path.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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On 26/12/2017 at 6:08 AM, expeditus said:

Hi everyone im a new member of this group i would just like to say that ive been really thankful that i have seen these videos and it helped me out so much and one of the best videos i have ever watched that made me a fan of actualized. Org is Mindfulness. I was having depression backthen and a friend told me about actualized.org. I watched the 14 minute video about mindfullness and i practiced it and when i was being mindful of my emotion and depression it stopped...and i was so happy cause i realized why am i depressed. In just seconds my depression vanished and sadness stopped when i got conscious about it. It happened again when my boyfriend and I had a fight and I was very upset but suddenly i rememberes mindfulness again and i did not feel sadness anymore...

But can someone help me..i tried to practice mindfulness again when i am getting sad but i cant practice it anymore...i know in my heart and mind that i am sad..i just want to know if anyone had experienced this and how did they got back to being mindful and controlled their emotions..pls...help me thank you

Combine mindfulness with Self-enquiry. Otherwise perceptions will be tainted by the colour of identification.  The impersonal mind will get you to the Truth.

Also this should be helpful.

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@expeditus it’s a matter of looking at it differently, being mindful the sadness comes from how you’re looking at the situation. State the situation, then state it’s opposite. And yet, sometimes I’m already too deep into a perspective, I just cry and let it out. Sleep. Try again. I have found the toughest things to change my perspective on related to the misunderstanding of love, as in, it was to come from someone else. It’s nice when it does, but attachment that it should can set me up for some major sadness. 



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@expeditus when you feel sad, you should come back to being mindful and try to sit through the feeling if possible. Our emotions and feelings are quite powerful in communicating things to us. 

Edited by TriteNTrue

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@Dodo hi good day amm can you elaborate more about self inquiry pls. Thank you..how am i going to practice that

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1 minute ago, expeditus said:

@Dodo hi good day amm can you elaborate more about self inquiry pls. Thank you..how am i going to practice that

On 26/12/2017 at 6:08 AM, expeditus said:


Look up Ramana Maharshi, Rupert Spira, Mooji and other sources for slightly different self-enquiry practices. 

It's basically asking the question: "Who am I/ What am I", but not conceptually only.

That which you're aware of - thoughts, feelings, sights, sounds, sensations - absolutely everything that appears in your present moment awareness cannot be you, because it is being perceived by you. 

The world is an object in experience,  who is the subject? Let's say the body

The body is an object in experience, who is the subject? Let's say the mind

The mind(including the I thought) is an object in experience,  who is the subject?  


-1/12 is Infinity 

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