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Astral projection or Lucid dreaming

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I have an experiences where im dreaming that im astral projecting(like lucid dream)where i go out of my body(proces of vibrations and going out seem real) but i dont know if its a dream or im actually out of my body if that makes sense anyone had similar experience?

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6 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

I have an experiences where im dreaming that im astral projecting(like lucid dream)where i go out of my body(proces of vibrations and going out seem real) but i dont know if its a dream or im actually out of my body if that makes sense anyone had similar experience?

If it feels realer than real then you are most probably astral projecting if not then its more in the lucid dreaming matrix. That's how i see it. Visit your friends next time or someone close and see if you can notice the time and what they are doing then confront them next day about it and see if its true.

However this will be challenging because in Astral you are more yourself so your priorities are different. I don't have much experience beside a few times when i was a child and once or twice as an adult so besides that i can't say much more.


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Just last night i had similar dream, it starts in my bed but room looks a bit different and i don't usually have same sheets as i fall a sleep with or i don't have any sheet at all. It feels like sleeping paralysis i cant move but i feel like i will start levitating i had these experiences before but i always try to resist because i feel extreme fear cause to sleeping paralysis. Few times i was levitating in that lucid dream and that time i saw a black sphere in front of me, looked like a portal i just stared shaking my head and my eyes were turning in circles or up and down. It happens every 10 days sometimes frequently. I don't know what to say about it.

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On 26/12/2017 at 10:23 AM, Dreamwalker said:

 It happens every 10 days sometimes frequently. I don't know what to say about it.

Well congratulations! You are a natural astral projecter, stop projecting fear and start exploring the realms, project your self in a cloak of light and you will be safe from negativity, 

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