
music on shrooms

15 posts in this topic

what are your opinions about listening to music during  a trip? 

I know Leo said in a video it's better without music for personal development, Terrence mckenna says the same.

But a lot of people actually cant trip without music, or it adds a lot to the experience.

Of course I will experiment on my own but what do you think?

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Lets just say, some music on shrooms, will change your life. 

Do what feels right for you. Understanding creativity is a huge part of the reason I do shrooms. So music is a perfect tool for that. 

But really, the trip is like 6 hours. Theres enough time to do both. 

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I would imagine it's an amazing experience. Personal development wise, I'd imagine you got more out of it without music. This forum is geared towards personal development rather than amazing experiences (lots of highs are probably amazing yet we wouldn't push getting high on heroin).

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I had my ego death experience on that. So I think it's all about intention really. Music is the sound of universe.

Good Luck! Enjoy


Edited by egoless

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There is no problem, depends on what you want. In complete silence you listen to the universe and its source vibrations = sounds = music. Music is not a bad thing, i never stated this. Its simply a tool similar to how we use psychedelics as a tool but if you want to go deep to the core of things Silence/Darkness is where Pure Light/Clarity is Seen/Felt/Understood through Divine Perspective.




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Depends on person. But mostly the music is guiding you through the trip. I think music is godlike.

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Think of it this way, ever notice the more in silence you are the more you can actually hear and the darker the room the more you can see/imagine? See the universe works in the most complex yet most simple of ways as this example of opposing matrix.

Now everyone has their own paths and some do better with music and some better without based on their level of consciousness/understanding. All i am saying is the more of our "comforts" we remove and surrender too the more (whole) we become. Ego is the only thing that needs something to hold onto, source knows everything is already there in nothingness.

Do what serves you best but don't be afraid to push your boundaries as you literally find all by losing all and as a part of creation aware of itself you are only limiting yourself by not choosing to fully embody the whole of what you actually are to your absolute maximum potential possible.

Be Love and Transcend :)





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i found that tibetan singing bowls, although not exactly music, are better if you feel the need to have some sound. although i do love silence the vibration somehow seems to provoke less thoughts.

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Music definitely alter direction and mood of the trip, so choose wisely. Some gongs, white-noise and nature sounds seem to be the most neutral solution if you want to kill background noise. Because sometimes having music is better than sitting in a loud environment.


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Music can be used to enter a state of deep trance - a lot of initiations used psychedelics and repetitive music to enter different realms, meet spirits and to bring back valuable information from Other.

I don't know anything about shamanic states of trance while on substances, but it is something to possibly explore.  

Sometimes Other has as much valuable information as Self.  This forum focuses mainly on Enlightenment rather than interacting with spiritual wildlife, but they can also provide guidance; no need to go it alone.


Simple guide for shamanic journeying

Edited by Annetta

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