Samuel Garcia

Should I try to be more conscious?

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Recently had a very emotional mushroom trip. Nearer to the beginning of it, I felt this freedom and lost all self-conciousness with just feelings of energy, vibrations and vizuals. It was like a ''sleep state'' but there was some consciousness (or maybe it was this formlessness Tolle mentions). However I felt lots of unconsciousness so I felt like I needed to become conscious of what is going on. Thus I asked the question ''Who is it that is perceived this?'' Then BAM -- I came back! Trying to be conscious reinforced this person who is living this life. This person here exists as something which needs to get somewhere -- in this case he needed to become conscious and attain happiness and understanding in his life. It felt like all this spiritual seeking, learning about Enlightenment, watching all the videos, reading all the books and then trying to implement the ideas and practices all is just reinforcing this ego here. It was like all the spiritual teachers were tricking me. All this time in meditation I have been trying to focus when I have really bad focus and by trying to focus, I am trying to be something I'm not.

When taking psychedelics in the future like 5-Meo, should one try to be conscious since this is has an element of vying for control? Or surrender -- but if I surrender I fear not growing from the experience as it feels like I'll just be unconscious and go back to this ''sleep state''!

It just feels like this consciousness I call life is really limited so trying to become conscious doesn't really get you anywhere. So should we try to be more conscious since that actually reinforces the ego? Or is this part of the process of ''going full circle?'' Trying to become conscious is trying to get somewhere but you only have here now. So why try to get to somewhere else? Isn't personal development (even post-enllightenment) building up the ego since we are trying to get somewhere?

Edited by Samuel Garcia

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@Samuel Garcia

Being more conscious expands the experience of life, you experience more. Being unconscious limits the experiences you experience, you experience less. Being more conscious feels better. Being unconscious feels bad.

Check this post:

When you are fully aware, the mind gets quiet and you are perceptive to the messages from your higher self. When you are perceptive and in the here/now, you allow the devine orchestrating mechanism to orchestrate your body. So then you are able to be at the right place, at the right time, with the right people, doing the right things in the right order.


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@Samuel Garcia the ego hangs on to identities and attaches to thoughts, over thinks etc. Let go of that, and consciousness is the revealed default. Consciousness is whatever anyone is calling it though, whatever meaning one is giving the word.



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Consciousness is a word which is being mistreated/miss-used on a daily basis.

I simply oppose the idea of consciousness as a data which we perceive throughout our life, on the other hand i would say consciousness is basically the experience which we feel & treat as reality. If you try to go deep in the concept of consciousness you may find it can not be defined as a chunk of data or entitled to any kind of entity what so ever !!

Let me give you an example :

When you are in deep sleep, you're alive but do not know it.

Your consciousness is the factor which allows you to experience life in different forms. Such experience can be eating food/reading/playing etc.

From centuries, human race tried their best to achieve a higher state of consciousness, we tried everything possible to do so such as yoga/meditation/physical exercises to achieve a single goal i.e We tried our hardest to become one with an unknown relm. What for ??

Just to find a better understanding of what we are as a human being.

In my point of view consciousness can not be increased or decreased, The only thing which we can turn in our favour is that, we can increase our experience.

Further more, we can only try to make peace with yourself by increasing our experience as a being.

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@Ether ??

That’s a reactionary coping method implying that the center is taken in by each thought and is trying avoid its evolution into a feeling

But how do we avoid this whole process? 

How does one know what thoughts to believe and not? 

Breathering is a great thing as it takes attention off the thought. But is attention off of thought what it takes to understand thought? 


I was asking @Samuel Garcia how he personally would become more conconcius.. I was asking what was his plan to do so? 


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@Faceless Doing the practices as much as possible. In fact I just did a 7 day solo meditation retreat doign various mediation practices, self inquiry and contemplating into loneliness which has been my main point of suffering. On day 5, I was mediating and then suddenly the loneliness popped out of nowhere and I began crying my eyes out because I realised I was genuinley scared of being alone -- then after crying for 30 mins or so whilst crying I was kept wailing ''I don't know who I am!'' but then I tried to self-inquire then suddenly I stopped crying. I felt like the ego came back when I self-inquired when it would have been better to 'let the energy flow in the moment' which would have been to let my emotions be. 

I don't really have a plan now. But my intuition is saying to contemplate and examine my suffering more and feeling deeply into it (although it is difficult).

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You should do Leo’s Life Purpose Course if you haven’t done that yet.  That’s my recommendation.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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