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5 meo Trip Report Buenos Aires 2

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This was amazing.

I didnt fall to the ground this time, I stayed conscious.

I went to infinity and when I came back I went into this amazing samadhi state.  

Just perfect.

The shaman wanted me to take more, to go deeper and I resisted but after a bit he convinced me.

I took another hit and I was able to throw up what I felt was a bit more of the fear and toxicity that I had inside me.

Really really amazing trip.

The energy you feel, the sensitivity.

I am straight up going vegan now.

Looking foward to a third trip in a few weeks.

I used the higher consciousness healing method taught by the lady from Enlightenement through the path of kundalini, her name is Tara Springett.

You basically connect to a higher power, god, your higher self, whatever you want to call it, and ask for a healing symbol to protect you, heal you, help you, whatever.

It really helped... I felt alot of faith in the medicine, the shaman, the universe... God, everything.   I kept bringing in love when bits of fear would creep in.

I feel really happy.  I feel this path has been really right for me.

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How would you describe the feelings and emotions during the trip? Were you more aware of body sensations? How was the energy different? More sensitive to what?

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@AleksM  i felt justo energy coursing through everything, i felt i was being puryfied.  I felt heat, bliss, love. 

It was like everything was súper vibrant.

I felt sensitive towards the unhealthy food i ate two days ago.  Towards other peoples and my own mind and emotions.  

Not sure how to describe it.

Felt even more layers of repressed shit being purged.


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