
Why Bother?

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Until enlightened, we are all our egos. Enlightenment is ego-death. Why should we, then, want to seek enlightenment? 

As Leo stated in his video about the nature of our existential selves, true enlightenment is not an experience; it doesn't make you happy or fulfilled. We will have plenty of time at death to become one with "nothingness" (if such a concept actually exists in the way Leo describes). So, shouldn't we actively avoid ego death, so that we - even just as illusory beings - can enjoy the beautiful peaks and crevices of human life? 

Isn't the pursuit of "enlightenment" inherently an egotistical one - a false (albeit comforting) belief that ultimately distracts us from living life fully? 


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  On 2/26/2016 at 4:27 AM, eye_wanderer said:

Isn't the pursuit of "enlightenment" inherently an egotistical one - a false (albeit comforting) belief that ultimately distracts us from living life fully? 


It would be that, if one could get the Ego enlightened. The fact is that, no Ego is left in an enlightened being. 

  On 2/26/2016 at 4:27 AM, eye_wanderer said:

shouldn't we actively avoid ego death, so that we - even just as illusory beings - can enjoy the beautiful peaks and crevices of human life? 

You seem to somehow believe that an enlightened being does not enjoy human perks. That is opposite from truth. A human being enlightened, will only enjoy them, not cling to them or mistake himself with them. 

It is similar with thinking that a movie on a screen is more real than the actual flesh&blood actors :D 



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@eye_wanderer That depends on what your definition of fulfilled is. I can't think of anything more fulfilling than to realize that I am already 100% complete, and that no matter what happens or what mistakes I may make, that will never change.

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You're welcome to keep living in a self-created ego-hell.

But just know that heaven is right around the corner. The entry fee is that big fat ego.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@eye_wanderer To be honest, if you feel that way I would not bother. I mean why bother getting out of bed in the morning? If on the other hand you feel like that guy on "Close Encounters" making Mountains out of mash potatoe and being pulled toward something, then I would give you different advice.

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  On 2/26/2016 at 6:02 AM, Grasshopper said:

I can't think of anything more fulfilling than to realize that I am already 100% complete, and that no matter what happens or what mistakes I may make, that will never change.

This is my philosophy. If you can reach a point where you can be in totally acceptance of reality and at peace with it and yourself then there is nothing more to be done. There is nothing more to want or need, no suffering to be had and no action needs to be taken. It's the ultimate success in my book.

Edited by FindingPeace

“If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.”  - Lao Tzu

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  On 2/26/2016 at 9:26 AM, Leo Gura said:

You're welcome to keep living in a self-created ego-hell.

But just know that heaven is right around the corner. The entry fee is that big fat ego.

Hey leo, i have listened to atleast 100+ Of your podcasts * 3times each,  everyday while going to work i would play actualized.org podcasts compulsorily and they changed me a lot. Recently i watched your spiritual enlightenment video series , im completely disturbed from then. 

I have some doubts that are mind boggling me. I understood your concepts and im coming from birth place of spiritual enlightenment (india) and I kinda believe there is no self(ego) but,

1. You said in one of your spiritual enlightenment video that we could have sex after enlightenment, if there is no self(ego) in you how could you feel sex, that means are you fucking ghost.

2. If there is no self inside you(leo), after attaining enlightenment why would you eat and drink. If that body does not belong to you , why are you feeding that body.

3. You said enlightenment can eliminate self image problems, why are you still shaving your bald head when there is no self inside you, do you still have that ego to avoid showing your bald in your videos.

4. I want to become prime minster of a country, i have decided my passion after watching your videos. Do you reckon is good to pursue my dreams and change future of a country or become enlightenment and do nothing because there is no self. 

No offence 

your reply is appreciated.

@Leo Gura

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Ego death is a myth and a self deception if anyone has claimed to have it. 

It can be made really small...but ego death is impossible unless someone is in a vegetable state in a hospital. 

If you disagree, Im curious... name one person who claims to have  had a full ego death or it is said about him.

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  On 2/26/2016 at 9:26 AM, Leo Gura said:

But just know that heaven is right around the corner. The entry fee is that big fat ego.

What do you mean by that?

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@Evilwave Heddy thats an interesting point, i agree with it - Heaven is when you are completely 100% satisfied with everything (enlightenment) and have no more desires for anything anymore

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  On 2/26/2016 at 5:09 PM, TruthSeeker said:

Ego death is a myth and a self deception if anyone has claimed to have it. 

It can be made really small...but ego death is impossible unless someone is in a vegetable state in a hospital. 

If you disagree, Im curious... name one person who claims to have  had a full ego death or it is said about him.

I agree with Truthseeker.

Enlightenment is not about dissolving or rejecting the ego and nothing good will come from trying to do that. Our ego is an intrinsic part of who we are as humans.

In fact, an inevitable consequence of enlightenment is acceptance and a profound love for everything that is, including our ego.

The answer is not rejection. The answer is love and compassion. The answer is acceptance. Accept your ego as part of who you are.

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  On 2/26/2016 at 5:20 PM, Jay Brown said:

@Evilwave Heddy thats an interesting point, i agree with it - Heaven is when you are completely 100% satisfied with everything (enlightenment) and have no more desires for anything anymore

This is what happens with enlightment..

You realize that paradise had always been in front of you. You realize that all the beauty, love and joy you will ever need is already inside you so you stop searching for any of these things outside. You feel complete.

There is nothing left to desire so all your desires slowly disappear. The only desire you will have left is a deep desire to be present, a desire to enjoy the amazing beauty of everything around you.

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we are not here to judge enlightenment through our logical minds. as Leo always said enlightenment cannot be communicated,.. you should experience it in order to know the actual bliss.

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its all thoughts... and im sorry but, aint it. "the state" everyone wants and talks about, you cant have it.

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  On 2/26/2016 at 4:27 AM, eye_wanderer said:

Isn't the pursuit of "enlightenment" inherently an egotistical one - a false (albeit comforting) belief that ultimately distracts us from living life fully

Enlightenment goes beyond our most intuitive beliefs about it.

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@Ayla @Leo Gura Thank you for your responses. I'm still skeptical about whether enlightenment is real (or even desirable) but I can totally appreciate the benefits of suppressing our egos and calming our monkey-minds. I think you're right: suppressing neurotic thoughts will probably enhance, as opposed to diminish, the fun of life. 

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