
What are your favorite enlightenment\meditation experiences?

10 posts in this topic

If you read my previous posts, you guessed it, when i had a silent mind, and also back in November 2016 when i was completely at peace. That felt so refreshing and...peaceful lol

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When the Ego and the Shadow merged for me for the first time in March of this year.  It was my Dark Night of the Soul experience.  But the entire thing was a very wild ride and very memorable.  The second would be my first trip on LSD, which was about a month ago.  That trip had everything — the right amount of insights, feelings, awareness, takeaways.

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During meditations it happened a few times that it felt that everything alligns together. I've made a visual in my mind of two energy who are moving around, becoming one, that was the moment it was the most quiet place EVER. It was so quiet it scared the shit out of me and I felt my heart pumping blood very fast as a reaction to this experience.  Also the little sounds that I heard all merged together in this nothing/oneness experience.

I am aware that the meaning I put on to this experience: scaryness (thoughts like; am i dead? maybe i should come back otherwise i won't get out of it!), makes me come out of it. I want to surrender to it. 


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The Realization of being Back!

Edited by pluto


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My favourite is... The only one that trully exists... Now ??✌????

But anyway, I'd say my favourite would be when I was staring at the Sun with closed eyes and was able to change the colours I was seeing simply by naming word commands. After  which I was able to play around,  create light and see things appear on the space I was seeing. Like they were appearing from my subconscious to fill in the gaps. 

I also trapped some light by quickly blinking while looking at the Sun and that light started to blink quicker and quicker as I concentrated on it, after which I clearly saw how it was an angel and it just flew away from my vision all casually ??.

-1/12 is Infinity 

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After 20min body-scan meditation I felt really weird and I was scared to look where this weirdness is coming from. So I decided to go front of mirror to see what is wrong with me. Then I saw myself with no hands I was standing there and I had 2 extra legs hanging out from my shoulders. Instead of feeling my body when I meditated I visualized that I'm feeling it, but back then I couldn't make a difference. 

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March 2015, when I was on a vacation, and I read the power of now for the first time. After reading for a while, I laid down the book and just ignored any thought that involved past or future. So much peace.

Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.

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19 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

When I'm on LSD too.  I get to see up under the Ego.

Its funny my first time trying LSD with my friend, i could never talk to him about the things we talk about here on Actualized especially when it comes to the deeper spiritual stuff and on LSD i was able to do so, he was finally understanding and connecting the dots, he finally saw the world when the MASK is taken off. It was bliss of an experience, we felt like 2 gods playing chess with the world and giggling on awe at how amazing it is.


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