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How To Find Your Life Goals?

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To find worthy goals you need to have a good understand of who you are. 

Do you know your values? Have you thought about a way you could contribute to the world? What is it that you are really passionate about? 

Here is some questions you can ask yourself to find your purpose in life. I guarantee you that if you find a purpose in life you won't be bored.

-      If you had all the money and time in the world what would you do?
-      What do you love so much that you’d pay to do it?

Here is what I believe are some characteristics of worthy goals you might want to pursue in your life.

Reflect your core values and are what you want, not what the society, your friends or your family want for you

Truly excite you and energize you

You enjoy the process that leads to those goals and not just the final outcome. “I’ll be happy when…” types of goals are not goals worth pursuing. Why not be happy now.

You are acting mainly out of love and not out of fear.

Let me explain what I mean by acting out of love. Acting out of love means that you are not trying to get people to like you or to try to prove anything to yourself or to others, but that you just want them to be happy. Feeling that you are helping people while doing what you love makes you happy. 

When you act out of love your main focus is on giving, when you act out of fear your main focus is on receiving(money, approval, recognition, fame, power…). 

It is true that desire to be famous, to be recognized and to be loved can be a powerful tool for people to motivate themselves to reach their goals. However, because people are acting out of fear, and are in fact trying to fill a lack within them through external recognition, those goals are not truly worthy goals. They reflect a sense of insecurity due to a lack of self-esteem. 
That’s why a seemingly successful person might be truly unhappy if he is trying to find himself in external factors like money or fame. 

Try to find something that you are really passionate about. What is it that you like to do so much that you forget time? How can you leverage it to serve other people. 

Hope it helps

How To Find Your Life Goals.jpg

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