
How to take mushrooms

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it's my 1000th time posting about this, sorry.

I was watching this video of terence mckenna 

and the message was conflicting with other advice i've got.

he says basically that in order to experience a psychedelic truly I shouldnt try lower doses first, that he recommends to take an average dose and just dive in. I was recommended to go 1g then 2g then 3g, while he recommends I guess just going 2g.

what should I do? is it recommended to for example to just try at 0.5g and then go to 2g?

he also recommends to do it in the darkness.

Basically there are 2 approaches which I see: the badass exploration one and the enjoyment/bliss one.

badass exploration is the one in which I guess would grow me the most and is just in silence with closed eyelids meditating.

enjoyment one is with music on, just vibing.

my goal really is growing so Im attracted more to the badass one but it may be counterproductive in the end. maybe the most growth is when you enjoy it the most. I dont know. 

how do I utilize this substance to the maximum?

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Just because Terence say something it’s not fundamentally correct. It’s also a bit shaggy that you rely so much on one trip, like that ONE trip would make everything crystal clear for you.

It’s good that you listen to athoritive people about it, but just because they have loads of experience does’nt mean they can’t be ignorant. Terence don’t know you or your psyche.

But if you wanna take a chance/risk, there you go ;)



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You could always start at 1.75g or 2g then jump to 3 - 3.5g then Hero Dose 4-5g or more. You could also do the same dose with music, playing and getting to know the experience then do the second time few weeks apart same dose in complete darkness/meditation/silence ect.. I'm sure both can be be equally enjoyable and insightful as long as you surrender to the experience.


Edited by pluto


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If you have no experience you can babystep, but if you have already known other psychedelics in fairly high doses, then I would go straight for 3g.

While I do agree with McKenna on that matter, I don't want anyone to suffer pointlessly, so take every word with caution.

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On 12/22/2017 at 2:20 AM, Ilya said:

it's my 1000th time posting about this, sorry.

I was watching this video of terence mckenna 

and the message was conflicting with other advice i've got.

he says basically that in order to experience a psychedelic truly I shouldnt try lower doses first, that he recommends to take an average dose and just dive in. I was recommended to go 1g then 2g then 3g, while he recommends I guess just going 2g.

what should I do? is it recommended to for example to just try at 0.5g and then go to 2g?

he also recommends to do it in the darkness.

Basically there are 2 approaches which I see: the badass exploration one and the enjoyment/bliss one.

badass exploration is the one in which I guess would grow me the most and is just in silence with closed eyelids meditating.

enjoyment one is with music on, just vibing.

my goal really is growing so Im attracted more to the badass one but it may be counterproductive in the end. maybe the most growth is when you enjoy it the most. I dont know. 

how do I utilize this substance to the maximum?

In my own experience, i started at 8grams.. don't just rely on others what is right for you... feel it.. mushroom is always give you what is right for you.. shrooms will not poisoned you or something don't just overthink.. feel.. use your intuition , what you feel is more important... 

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If you use mushroom.. please don't put any garbage on your system.. likkeeeee don't drink beer Hahaha.. and don't use music.. just be at peace alone and contemplate .. set your goals or intentions if you eat mushroom.. just let go.. 

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Source some xanax and go nuts.

If it get's too much have a sitter there who gives you the full xanax bar, normally a quarter kills a panic attack in 10 minutes but on psychedelics you may need a little more help. And no, one largish dose of xanax will do nothing bad in the long term but one bad trip could scar you for life. The thing is your trip will probably include incredibly scary and powerful moments along with the bliss, so waiting out the storm - especially the come on and body rush distortions - is necessary to reaching the eye of the storm and if you pop the xanax you will never fully break through.


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Face it :D you don't need anything.. just eat whatever dosage you want.. and faceeeeeeeee it.. after a while tell me your story.. :D tell me what happen.. let see..... don't think.. face it .. 

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I must mention some strains 2-3 grams could be like 5+ grams of other strains as some are much more potent but too be honest.. @John Iverson is actually speaking some wisdom here..

In my more Enlightened states i knew to be completely trusting and surrendering to the universe and everything else literally takes care of itself as the situation/experience simply will not present itself if you aren't ready for it in some way that when you find some mushrooms in the wild just eat them, however much you feel is right.

You will realize afterwards this was most probably the perfect dose for your need. its the best way to go by things in life but we tend to get more comfy in ego's world that we lose that complete trust that all is well and all is in divine order.



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44 minutes ago, pluto said:

I must mention some strains 2-3 grams could be like 5+ grams of other strains as some are much more potent but too be honest.. @John Iverson is actually speaking some wisdom here..

In my more Enlightened states i knew to be completely trusting and surrendering to the universe and everything else literally takes care of itself as the situation/experience simply will not present itself if you aren't ready for it in some way that when you find some mushrooms in the wild just eat them, however much you feel is right.

You will realize afterwards this was most probably the perfect dose for your need. its the best way to go by things in life but we tend to get more comfy in ego's world that we lose that complete trust that all is well and all is in divine order.



and the bigger you intake the bigger changes in life you get.. the mushroom is not a monster if you intake it all you will see is demonic or creatures that will harm you and kill you.. higher dosage you will see the "TRUTH" the consciousness is very high that you can see your world and the world with high consciousness a lot more different.. you will see the difference and you will look forward to aim that , you see The universe differently.. and you are conscious about what Ego Death is, you also learn so many wisdom there that you cannot learn from low consciousness state.. Mushroom is God.. when you take it... you will become that so why will you prohibit yourself taking higher dosage? Higher dosage is eye opener.. to something , that human being must look forward to and be open about.. we are in this world that society and culture is pulling our feet don't be scared you must face it.... faceeee it not only for yourself.. but also for humanity maybe mushroom gives you way to improve humanity.... or maybe that dosage gives you something....  we don't know what mushroom or the universe can give... just don't RESIST IT take higher as you can.. 

Edited by John Iverson

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14 hours ago, star ark said:

Source some xanax and go nuts.

If it get's too much have a sitter there who gives you the full xanax bar, normally a quarter kills a panic attack in 10 minutes but on psychedelics you may need a little more help. And no, one largish dose of xanax will do nothing bad in the long term but one bad trip could scar you for life. The thing is your trip will probably include incredibly scary and powerful moments along with the bliss, so waiting out the storm - especially the come on and body rush distortions - is necessary to reaching the eye of the storm and if you pop the xanax you will never fully break through.



This is probably single-handedly the worst advice I've ever witnessed someone give for psychedelics. But that's my opinion.


@Ilya, I don't know you or what you need or what stuff you are getting, but I'd start with a 1.5 - 2.5g dose and gauge that trip from there. My first trip was 4G because my psyche is stable in regards to substance use. (this isn't an ego-stroke, because I'm not stable in every facet by any means - just substances specifically, considering I'm technically underweight I should usually experience the opposite effect.)

Remember: there is never a certainty with anything you consume unless you know from start to finish where the substances originated to entering your system. Keep all possibilities open - don't expect a "good" trip because that's not always what you need to be shown.

The truth can be overwhelming, painful and just scary at times. But you must keep in mind even in your worst of trips that like everything in this realm, it is only temporary. - Now this also does NOT mean you should go into the trip fearful of the end result; because that is setting yourself up for disaster as well, this has a lot to do with mentality, intention, perspective and mood going into it.

Focus on the positives and have a strong willingness to LEARN. Because that is what this is about, it is experiencing and learning from these experiences completely - anything that is shown to you within this trip is necessary for your growth; good or bad.

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Yeah there can be quite dangerous interactions with hard pharmaceutical drugs and psychedelics. Just take some herbal teas that work for anxiety/mood ect.. much safer alternative or go out in nature or put headphones on with your favorite music or just lay down and completely let yourself go, there's nothing else you can do.

Sometimes you must face the darkness in order to see the light. A seed will not grow in the sun/Light without growing through the soil/Darkness and digging its roots deep enough so it can sustain the lights rays.

Yeah small or common doses can be fun but if you have a high dose and do not meditate or do any kind of self/spiritual work then don't complain when shit goes south.

Edited by pluto


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There is no interaction with benzos and mushrooms, if you are having a bad trip that could leave you scarred for life, 1 xanax will make you wake up feeling tired and not caring about anything, for a few hours and that's it. 

If you take xanax for a month every day then you have a problem

If a family member died and you were insane with grief and potentially doing crazy things a doctor would pump you full of benzos to calm you down. , One xanax to stop a bad trip is soooooo much safer than going insane on the trip.

Sid Barret didn't pop a xanax and go mental, but i bet if every time he was going insane on the drugs he actually had a xanax to bring him back to earth he would never have gone mental in the first place and Pink Floyd would have a whole other story.

Tea won't do shit, if you're in hell - bad trip reality - you cannot make a tea. You can lose your body and identity on a trip but be terrified (worse than a panic attack) and virtually catatonic. You need that sitter to basically put that xanax under you tounge for you because you are seriously that messed up.

Mushrooms are as beautiful as the users make it out to be but also hideous. There are moments of intense beauty and moments were you will think "Hhhmmm, I seem to shit my pants, am I urinating out of my eye sockets?"

That's when a sitter realizes, maybe I should keep my eye on this one.

You can encounter the nothingness on mushrooms but not in a good way. A sitter who cares for you and wants to try and show you the "TRUTH" needs to dose you high, and there are dangers to it. No danger in one xanax.


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11 hours ago, Omni said:


This is probably single-handedly the worst advice I've ever witnessed someone give for psychedelics. But that's my opinion.


@Ilya, I don't know you or what you need or what stuff you are getting, but I'd start with a 1.5 - 2.5g dose and gauge that trip from there. My first trip was 4G because my psyche is stable in regards to substance use. (this isn't an ego-stroke, because I'm not stable in every facet by any means - just substances specifically, considering I'm technically underweight I should usually experience the opposite effect.)

Remember: there is never a certainty with anything you consume unless you know from start to finish where the substances originated to entering your system. Keep all possibilities open - don't expect a "good" trip because that's not always what you need to be shown.

The truth can be overwhelming, painful and just scary at times. But you must keep in mind even in your worst of trips that like everything in this realm, it is only temporary. - Now this also does NOT mean you should go into the trip fearful of the end result; because that is setting yourself up for disaster as well, this has a lot to do with mentality, intention, perspective and mood going into it.

Focus on the positives and have a strong willingness to LEARN. Because that is what this is about, it is experiencing and learning from these experiences completely - anything that is shown to you within this trip is necessary for your growth; good or bad.

In what way?

I truly think a method of removing the trip if things go south is very very important

A xanax is the most common drug for people suffering a panic attack, and a bad trip is HELL.

Trips are not pure rainbows and pixies, and one day, it could be your 5th trip or your 50th, you will have a bad time. You will not be able to go to work after your bad trip. You will become pretty messed for a long time after that bad trip. You may lose a lot after that bad trip, I've seen people end up in public housing after one bad trip - they can no longer take care of themselves.

 Or you may do it to a friend by recommending substances to someone you decide is ready for the trip who is not , and then you really fucked up and it's entirely on you.

Source one xanax bar, if it take you months to do use that time to get excited for the trip. If I was trying to fast forward you self actualization progress with drugs I would be questioning whether I truly want to self inquire or if I just want to party. You don't need to take the xanax, you just have it there in case you have hit the point where people are considering calling for an ambulance.

Don't EVER think you have mastered the shrooms or whatever your poison is

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5 minutes ago, star ark said:

There is no interaction with benzos and mushrooms, if you are having a bad trip that could leave you scarred for life, 1 xanax will make you wake up feeling tired and not caring about anything, for a few hours and that's it. 

If you take xanax for a month every day then you have a problem

If a family member died and you were insane with grief and potentially doing crazy things a doctor would pump you full of benzos to calm you down. , One xanax to stop a bad trip is soooooo much safer than going insane on the trip.

Sid Barret didn't pop a xanax and go mental, but i bet if every time he was going insane on the drugs he actually had a xanax to bring him back to earth he would never have gone mental in the first place and Pink Floyd would have a whole other story.

Tea won't do shit, if you're in hell - bad trip reality - you cannot make a tea. You can lose your body and identity on a trip but be terrified (worse than a panic attack) and virtually catatonic. You need that sitter to basically put that xanax under you tounge for you because you are seriously that messed up.

Mushrooms are as beautiful as the users make it out to be but also hideous. There are moments of intense beauty and moments were you will think "Hhhmmm, I seem to shit my pants, am I urinating out of my eye sockets?"

That's when a sitter realizes, maybe I should keep my eye on this one.

You can encounter the nothingness on mushrooms but not in a good way. A sitter who cares for you and wants to try and show you the "TRUTH" needs to dose you high, and there are dangers to it. No danger in one xanax.


You clearly don't understand chemistry, nor is your flawed logic going to persuade me and hopefully anyone else of anything. -

"Through late 1967 and early 1968, Barrett's behavior became increasingly erratic and unpredictable, partly as a consequence of his reported heavy use of psychedelic drugs, most prominently LSD. There is also much speculation that he suffered from schizophrenia."

Please do not spread this horrendous misinformation because of your own completely ignorant paradigm, you are doing much more harm than good here and I personally think your comments should be removed for how damaging they could be.

Do you even realize how addictive benzos are? No? You can become addicted after the first one, granted the likelyhood may be low - this is completely the reversal of self actualization and it's quite alarming that you're ignorantly stating these as fact.

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2 minutes ago, star ark said:

Trips are not pure rainbows and pixies, and one day, it could be your 5th trip or your 50th, you will have a bad time. You will not be able to go to work after your bad trip. You will become pretty messed for a long time after that bad trip. You may lose a lot after that bad trip, I've seen people end up in public housing after one bad trip - they can no longer take care of themselves.


My last shroom trip was 5G - I had severe body aches, my back pain was doubled and had no ability to be comfortable and thoughts of death & at one point even suicide - but it was necessary for my own psyche and I don't regret the trip - it was what some people would consider a bad trip, but I made it through just fine because it is about the MENTALITY of the situation, not the additive CHEMISTRY that you speak of.

Please stop this nonsense.

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I do know about benzo addiction and I do know that you cannot become dependent in any way after one day of use. That's like calling everything possibly addictive because someone may enjoy it. Physical withdrawal takes at least 2 weeks, and that would simply be difficulty sleep and a slightly lower mood for a short time.

You seem to have a romantic view of shrooms, you are going to have a really bad time eventually. LSD, shrooms, DMT are all much harder and dangerous than xanax, and just one trip is putting an insane amount of stress on your mind. Yes it may relive stress, but it may really really destroy you.

I will never change my view, and I believe are being dangerous by claiming I am offering dangerous advice. I have no personal problem with you however and I understand you think you are right, but I think I am right.



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6 minutes ago, Omni said:


My last shroom trip was 5G - I had severe body aches, my back pain was doubled and had no ability to be comfortable and thoughts of death & at one point even suicide - but it was necessary for my own psyche and I don't regret the trip - it was what some people would consider a bad trip, but I made it through just fine because it is about the MENTALITY of the situation, not the additive CHEMISTRY that you speak of.

Please stop this nonsense.

you think tripping and thinking of killing yourself is good?

you need to stop taking those types of substances and see a shrink.

yes you do

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