
Universal Ferris Wheel

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 Are past lives fiction? Is everything not a coincidence? If so then do we truly ever have control over our lives? 

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Are past lives fiction?

No, past lives are legit but they are happening now, we are just not attuned to it and create a sense of linearity.


Is everything not a coincidence?

There are no coincidences in the universe, Everything is always the way it was supposed to be. The way you feed the vacuum comes back to you. Whatever frequency you emmit, is what you'll get reflected back.


 If so then do we truly ever have control over our lives? 

We have control of over the response we give in the now, but we don't have control over phenomena. We can choose how we wish to relate to whatever arises that we have no control over.

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You can think of it as accepting a paradox that says that we both do and do not have control.   Just like you both are and are not a self.  That’s another useful paradox to loosely cling to.  

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