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Practicing Unconditional Love With Someone Who's on Anxiety Spiral

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Recently my ex-girlfriend came to me asking for my help after a dark spell in her life. She has no one else in her life to help her through a time like this. She called me tonight asking for my help as she was about to go back to the dark things she used to do. She was saying "fight for me" and I offered my insight on her issue. Afterwards, she got really nervous and crashed and hung up on the phone and got mad at me. Then when she called me again, she said "I know, but it's so hard" to my advise and I realized, I'm so fucking lost when it comes to this. I love her and always will and the basis for us breaking up has more sway towards us getting back together, but thats neither here nor there. I love her unconditionally and I want to help her. I know I can't grow for her, I only can lead her. Her reaching out to me shows me she wants to grow and get out of this place, I just don't know where or how I can help her other than lead her. She can only do this growth on her own. Any insight would be very appreciated.

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@Dsteller I'd say it's fine to offer guidance, just make it clear to your ex you wish not to get involved romantically again if that's what your intentions are. Damsels in distress are usually bad news and relationships with them get toxic pretty quick. So keep that in mind and work on your own unresolved issues that make you attract/be attracted to this type of woman.

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1 minute ago, Natasha said:

@Dsteller I'd say it's fine to offer guidance, just make it clear to your ex you wish not to get involved romantically again if that's what your intentions are. Damsels in distress are usually bad news and relationships with them get toxic pretty quick. So keep that in mind and work on your own unresolved issues that make you attract/be attracted to this type of woman.

Completely agree, don't get personal otherwise it will become a world of regrets.

It may be a good challenge for you to try to notice yourself in this situation and stay unbiased at all times. It's harder than it seems, obviously. So either way, your choice is yours and I hope it goes well.

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You have answered your own question. You can only show her the door, she must enter it herself.

All you gotta do is Be the example and express your Unconditional love as long as it equally involves yourself as well.


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