
Maybe I’m not getting this whole Law of Attraction thing.

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I’ve dabbled in some LOA stuff. Enough to know some basics. 

It seems everyone visualizes being a millionaire, having an amazing partner, etc etc. But, don’t you actually have to do something in order for those things to happen?  

I want an amazing partner too. But, I need to work on myself.  Do I visualize having an ideal mate?  Sure. Do I visualize myself being a confident, fit person that has come leaps and bounds in self-improvement?  Damn right. But, I make sure I’m doing things every day to become that person that attracts that ideal relationship, by recognizing the mistakes I’ve made and the work I need to do to get there. 

Maybe I just don’t understand, and sometimes, I can’t get a straight answer on these principles. Seems as though these LOA teachers go around in circles and stress that you are focusing on the lack of a million dollars. To me, you have to be aware of the lack of something in your life in order to work on achieving it. If I want a million dollars and I blow every paycheck I have on useless items, or I refuse to better myself to get a better, high paying career, what’s the point?  I’m not going to ever see a million dollars (and relying on lotto tickets is not the answer).  

I have always been a dreamer, but if I set my mind to something, I damn well got it done one way or the other. 

Looking for insights. 

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@spicy_pickles here’s just a way to think about it...why don’t you have everything you want already? There are teenage millionaires, people your age who do have an ideal partner, etc.  why don’t you? in loa terms, it’s due to resistant thinking.  you are capable of doing anything, that much you know.   



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Put in ----> Get out.
This is true LOA IMO 

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few” 
― Shunryu Suzuki

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What if you’re creating your everything? Even lack!


Loa is a bridge concept. You’re creating this forum, this problem, this question, this answer. 


For entertainment you want to trust in a concept which, strangely, you already are and doing every second.


if you want something, act on it.

If you want to question how to do it - you’ll keep questioning - and not acting.


if you do it, you’ll do it. 


If a partner is super important, become the best partner that is so confident in themselves that they don’t even need one. 


Act on what you want with absolute no neediness and no security because of the joy.




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My visualizations include the me that I’m working on achieving. The me that doesn’t need a partner to make their lives complete, but that wants one to complement their life. 

I achieve every fucking goal I have set for myself in these visualizations. Ones I’ve done in the past have included everything I currently have now. I just reach higher. I totally know how I visualized and manifested some of the shit I see myself surrounded by now. Now, it’s time to see how I can improve. I think that in itself can be an ideal life, because you constantly reach for that improvement. That’s what I’ve realized. I’ve got these visualizations, but none of it will happen if I don’t act on it. Even the smallest of details. I have to do it NOW. Not later. 

I don’t question why I don’t have it, I know why I dont. But, each day I improve and become closer to that person in my visualization. 

Edited by spicy_pickles

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LOA is nuanced af and honestly is beyond the paradigm most people are at.

When you say "Fuck I can't just wait around for someone to do this for me, I have to take action!", that's actually a step up in vibration from where you previously were (helplessness). So the LOA responds and you get better results.

When you say "I can't just bury my head in the sand about this, I have to take an honest look at where I'm at", that's again a step up in vibration. Previously you were in avoidance (negative vibration), now you've moved up.

The problem is people think LOA is going to respond through some sort of miracle. No, everything in your life is a result of the law of attraction! Even the most mundane day at work is something you manifested.

A great book that might help you sort this out is Levels of Energy by Frederich Dodson.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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It seems you have lumped in law of attraction with visualization but in concept these are two different ideas.


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@Nahm that’s definetly not the total truth. In reality LOA is just a practice that might make someone more inspired and hence more likely to take action. I think LOA forgets that everyone has different gifts and circumstances that will significantly impact the results you get.. some dreams are literally impossible for some people. Don’t fall into the bullshit LOA marketing tactics even if they do sound nice. Let’s be realistic

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Nice one, watch out here come the spiritual comebacks. I mean shit like a blind person becoming a race car driver. Many of the people born poor countries who do not have many luxeries. The list could go on really. Maybe you should do a bit of travelling and see some of the types of areas that are out there, and the lifestyles people are forced into. 

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What I don’t understand is when someone says - you have to be fully happy of where you are now and not need things to change in order to manifest desires. 

For example, let’s say I’m envisioning a partner that wants to travel the world with me and enjoys running. Let’s say I want to better myself and know how to do so in order to gain confidence and lose bad habits. Say I’m a raging alcoholic and have made the decision to get help. 

I was told (and I paraphrase) that this won’t work because all these things you visualize are contradicting. Saying you want a partner that shares similar interests means you need a person to keep you occupied. Working on bettering yourself and self-actualization means you are recognizing and telling the universe you are a weak person. Same with choosing to give up the booze. You are focusing on the negative and not being happy with the now. 

I found some of these responses to be twisted and strange. To me, there’s nothing wrong with saying to yourself - I’m fucking done being someone’s doormat, and my next relationship I’ll be with a person who respects me. I’m fucking sick of waking up with a hangover every day, and no, I’m not happy with the now, so I’m going to change so I am.  I really want to take my career to the next level, so I’m going to work on my marketing skills so it happens. 

My question is, why is it so wrong to look at a current situation and say - this isn’t working for me, I realize that now. The only way I can change this is if I make the first step and do something about it. Apparently that’s wrong because you are telling the universe you are unhappy. 

Edited by spicy_pickles

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What does the Law of Attraction mean to you?  Gimme a paragraph.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Law of attraction works with frequencies, it is not as simple as people make it to be.
If you imagine things out of lack you radiate the frequency of lack and it just becomes more, you will not even notice it for the most part when you are actually trying to attract something out of lack or when you have unresolved traumas or issues around that subject which keep you from being in a high frequency range around that area.
Only when you do the neccessary shadow work and don't lack those things anymore you will start attracting them into your life. Because you automatically attract everything into your life which matches your frequency, that is the true law of attraction.

Edited by LaucherJunge

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On 24.12.2017 at 0:33 AM, LaucherJunge said:

Only when you do the neccessary shadow work and don't lack those things anymore you will start attracting them into your life. Because you automatically attract everything into your life which matches your frequency, that is the true law of attraction.

This. :x

Everything in your external reality is a reflection of your internal reality - this is the premise of Law of Attraction.

I find advice, like "just don't focus on the lack" quite unhelpful, because 99% of what we put out there is subconscious. Granted, it wasn't always that way. Your conscious thoughts that became habitual are now subconscious, but this doesn't change the fact that 99% of what you are attracting, you are attracting subconsciously.

You might have to do many years of hard work in order to change some of these frequencies that you're vibrating on. Releasing of resistance is required and there shadow work is a great tool.

What I dislike about most LoA teachings is that they market LoA as a quick-fix tool that you can use to fulfil all your low-consciousness materialistic desires. This just couldn't be less true. LoA is not a quick-fix tool. It's an extremely powerful, nuanced and complicated force of the universe and should be treated as such.

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Do you ever see repeating numbers? Then you start telling yourself why do i always see those numbers?

Then they start to happen more and more often, then you see them all the time!

Ever wonder that cause you convinced yourself you always see them they actually are manifesting as the by universal law there is no other option but to manifest what you have convinced yourself to "already know" always happens.

Once you get to the "Knowing" state. Belief dissolves and it works everytime!




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