
Mind Fucking, Strange Looping, Reality Shattering Cannabis Experience

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I was a little hesitant to post this given the stigma around cannabis but this was one of the most mind blowing experiences I’ve had and I wanted to share. I no longer use cannabis or condone the use of it so if you decide to experiment with psychoactive substances, please do so safely. 


One night I was smoking weed with a friend of mind and cracking jokes like my naive young self did at this point in my life. This was before I had any knowledge about spirituality so all of my deep philosophical understanding I had from using cannabis made me feel like a crazy person at times. However, smoking cannabis always seemed to make me really contemplative and bring me powerful and strange(hint hint) insights. 


I look into my friends eyes and as we’re having a conversation I start to think about some deep shit. Anyone who’s ever smoked weed probably knows what I’m talking about. And what happens next completely mind fucked me to the point of hysterical laughter. I look in his eyes, and I realize that me looking at him, is myself looking at myself... 

He is me and I am him. But there never was a me or a him it was always just me. Hahaha

If you’re confused, good because I am too as this makes no logical sense whatsoever and that’s why it was so funny! 

I made this realization and what was even crazier is that I was conscious of the fact that I made this realization in my “friends” body as well. I was aware of this strangeloop of perception. 

I was not only looking at myself, but I was aware of myself looking back at myself. It was seriously like looking into a mirror!

We, or should I say I, looked at each other with this look of, “Holy fucking shit no way!” ? 

I became aware of the fact that it was me looking back at myself and having a conversation with myself this whole time. Haha

Needless to say we started laughing uncontrollably for a long while, until eventually, I rationalized it away that there’s no fucking way what I just experienced was possible. 


I watched Leo’s strangeloop video when it came out and sat on it for awhile. Today I made the connection that what I experienced back then with my friend was indeed a strangeloop that I became conscious of. For the longest time I thought I was crazy for believing that happened, but now I see what it was and I’m so thankful to have this understanding. For anyone who may have their curiosity peaked by this, maybe you can have a similar experience when contemplating with a partner as you look into their eyes. The quote, “Eyes are the window to the soul.” has such a deeper meaning for me now. I look forward to more mind blowing experiences like this. 


Thank you @Leo Gura for putting out such great content that helps us put together the puzzle pieces in our own minds!

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Well of course. That's what no-self means: no distinction between self/other.

You had an enlightenment experience into the nature of What is another?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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So does that means all the aliens on other planets are also you? 

I feel once someone has unlocked the gateways of having nondual experiences it will always be present whenever undertaking any psychedelic. Congratulations, you are It. Now what’s for dinner Me? 


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Pot at higher doses almost feels like a mild psychedelic.  You get very minor visuals and some ego loss.  If you eat some you can get some weak visuals and a cool body-high. 

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Nice experience! The ''i'' that is looking (awareness) is absolutely the Same, it is the One. I have been a regular smoker for two years so I know what you mean. 

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