
Astrology is legit?

4 posts in this topic

Since majority of you here agree that the reality is very paradoxical and mystical. Do you agree that astrology and fortune telling may be legit in some cases? Do you have any experiences? How to tell charlatanes from the real ones?

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I think that there is much more behind it than many think. At the same time there will be many people who are fooling people with such things, or maybe just kind of building a big story around a small truth to have more to tell. 
If you believe that there are different dimensions than you shouldn't be surprised that there are people who are capable of tapping into those eventually.
For example I was curious about palm reading and was just looking for a random guide, I was really surprised when actually literally every one of the readings I did to myself based on the guide had much truth behind it, as opposed to the other possibilities your lines could look like, It did describe my personality exceptionally well.
You will have to go with your intuition to find out if someone is legit or not.

Edited by LaucherJunge

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Seems legit, I’m just not sure what is the mechanism of solar system effect on you when you born. But there is obviously an effect and it is very powerful. Check out Santos Bonacci’s  YouTube channel on astrotheology. 


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Nope.  All you can do is get you more in tune with reality.  There are no easy answers.  Here's the thing, I'll say this.  If there is an Astrology -- it's gonna come authentically out of you.  And then we're just playing a game of semantics because it's a given that intuition is real, and a valuable source of insight.  

Video to Watch:


Edited by Joseph Maynor

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