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Useless diary

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I create my own reality. Truth is unachiavable. Rabbit hole goes infinitely deep. Once I understand that I start to live again. I come back to reality. This is the only thing what’s real. No sence in wondering in the infinite rabbit hole. No need to become god as it is already the case. There is a need to become a human again. I create my own reality...

I am always alone. I am never alone.

Edited by egoless

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I saw it vividly. They wake up. All of them. Technological advancement is no longer the priority. They unite. They are one. They are me. The one is infinitely creative. The priority is collective creativity channeled in the right direction. Direction of exploring and creating infinite possibilities. We learn how to shift the realities. The future. It’s coming. It’s already here. 

It is very interesting.

Edited by egoless

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These all sound like platitudes taken verbatim from Leo's videos.  Let's deep-dive these issues to get at what is really understood here.  You need to be able to define all of these platitudes yourself -- to give them a rich, solid, pragmatic, useful meaning.  Your concepts should be juicy and overflowing with practical and everyday use.  The only way you get that is by contemplating this stuff for yourself.  Enlightenment is not an ideology that you can memorize in a couple-few platitudes that we can stick on a page and distribute one-size-fits-all to the masses.  This theory needs to be CREATED and OWNED by YOU.  You need to build your own Enlightenment Theory brick by brick.  You need to blow a rich meaning into these concepts for yourself.  Stop looking to cling to beliefs generated by a Mind that is not your own.  That's just your starting point, never your end-point.  Take what Leo has given you -- and look at it like an influence but not the result of the concepts that YOU will create for yourself.  That's what authenticity is.  You need to be using the shit out of the Socratic Method.  Take nothing for granted in this work.  I've shown you how to apply the Socratic Method in bold below.

I create my own reality.   What is reality?  What does it mean to create your own reality?

Truth is unachiavable.   What is truth?  Why is truth achievable?  What is achieved?

Rabbit hole goes infinitely deep.  What the hell are you talking about here?  This makes no sense.

Once I understand that I start to live again. I come back to reality.   Ditto.

This is the only thing what’s real.  What is the only thing that's real?  What does it mean to be real?

No sense in wondering in the infinite rabbit hole.  What does it mean to wonder in the infinite rabbit hole?  What is the infinite rabbit hole?  What does it mean to wonder?

No need to become god as it is already the case.  What is god?  What are you?  Why do you think that you are god?  Why are you certain that you know that you already are god?

There is a need to become a human again. I create my own reality...  Who are you?  What is reality?  What does it mean that you create your own reality?  Is your own reality specific to you?  Why do you think you were a human before?  If you're not a human, then what are you?  What does it mean to be a human?

I am always alone. I am never alone.  What the hell are you talking about here?  This makes no sense.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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