Will Bigger

Why is Idealism Better than Dualism?

37 posts in this topic

@Angelo John Gage love your questions and your attitude about this stuff.  Refreshing man.     You did create the whole thing.    Even whatever you might or might not call truth, you’re behind it.  All of it.   It’s like a toaster making toast in an effort to understand electricity. The most logical reasonable rational truthful authentic genuine piece of toast, is just toast. Thinking is thinking. You can’t think what you are, what you are is behind the thinking itself. Electricity is electric. And everything you’ve ever seen or heard, is not toast, or a toaster, it’s your own “electricity”. 




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3 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Angelo John Gage love your questions and your attitude about this stuff.  Refreshing man.     You did create the whole thing.    Even whatever you might or might not call truth, you’re behind it.  All of it.   It’s like a toaster making toast in an effort to understand electricity. The most logical reasonable rational truthful authentic genuine piece of toast, is just toast. Thinking is thinking. You can’t think what you are, what you are is behind the thinking itself. Electricity is electric. And everything you’ve ever seen or heard, is not toast, or a toaster, it’s your own “electricity”. 


I appreciate it. And it is great to find a forum with such intelligent people who aren't close-minded so I can learn more.

But think of this, in order for us to agree with your statement above, which I agree is true, is an absolute truth among us. But I guess you can say, it would be false to those who do not see what we see? So from their perspective is it false. So in a nondual sense, the statement above is true and false simultaneously depending on the observer...

But, we know it to be true, and consensus cannot determine an absolute truth. I think the truth is out there and can be discovered, not made up. God = Truth. If the Truth is what IS, then I guess its just another way of saying the Truth is What IS.


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@Angelo John Gage another way to epically fail at trying to communicate the truth, is you are the One (zero), step 1 from there, no matter what it is, Creates duality. You’re venturing into it deep and I love it. True / false alive/dead exist / don’t exist me / not me are good dualities to be realizing are dualities - you’re own creation. Literally. Yours and yours alone. ❤️??



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@Nahm It's interesting you say that because one Christian scholar was debating and using the laws of Logic, his name was Matt Slick, and he stated that to end an infinite regress you must have an unmoved mover, citing the Three laws of logic; one being that you cannot be A and B at the same time: The Law of Identification.

A student in the crowd stood up and said (paraphrasing): "Well in quantum computing, you can be BOTH 1 and 0...how do you explain that?"

He tried to get out of it but couldn't lol.


Edited by Angelo John Gage

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@Nahm Well I understood the idea when I got to this forum after watching Absolute Infinity videos, but I (Mr. Ego) always like to question shit and play devils advocate to understand any rebuttals that could come this way.

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@Angelo John Gage i know.   That energy is for creating.   That’s what you are, a creator.    Those rebuttals are duality.  Infinite.   It only ends when you end it. It only begins, when you begin it. Admittedly, it is not easy to look at a paper cup, and actuality see what it is. Initially. 



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Out of body experiences, which I have experienced four times, proves idealism. Ultimately, I would say reality is both material and immaterial, but it's essence is immaterial, it's ground is God.

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16 hours ago, Angelo John Gage said:

Watch this last night. Great video. 

But is it not an assumption that the universe is not rational? (playing devils advocate because I don't think it is either). Even us stating it is a-rational is something we made up to describe it from a human perspective.

But if it is true, which I also agree that it is a-rational, than that statement would be what I call the Ultimate Truth, as it explains best what reality actually IS or how it seems to "act". 

So what I got from this video is that anything we come up with is simply a concept of the what we experiences, but is not the TRUTH in of itself. As Leo brought up in NLP, which I learned myself, "The Map is not the Territory"...So our concepts are not the Truth, but representative of it whether in language or symbols....But like I stated before, the Truth to me is something that is immutable; so a statement such as "The map is not the territory"  is in fact, an absolute truth. See what I mean?


16 hours ago, Angelo John Gage said:

Watch this last night. Great video. 

But is it not an assumption that the universe is not rational? (playing devils advocate because I don't think it is either). Even us stating it is a-rational is something we made up to describe it from a human perspective.

But if it is true, which I also agree that it is a-rational, than that statement would be what I call the Ultimate Truth, as it explains best what reality actually IS or how it seems to "act". 

So what I got from this video is that anything we come up with is simply a concept of the what we experiences, but is not the TRUTH in of itself. As Leo brought up in NLP, which I learned myself, "The Map is not the Territory"...So our concepts are not the Truth, but representative of it whether in language or symbols....But like I stated before, the Truth to me is something that is immutable; so a statement such as "The map is not the territory"  is in fact, an absolute truth. See what I mean?


Thank you.  Can you watch two more videos for me?  Then give me your final argument and I will respond to that.




Edited by Joseph Maynor

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On 12/22/2017 at 4:02 PM, Leo Gura said:

@Will Bigger You are underestimating the power of consciousness. It can literally dream up any kind of reality is wants. You are confusing perception with consciousness.

I’ve read Nisargadatta, I’ve watched your videos, I’ve read books on the paranormal and I’ve read Berkeley. But I still don’t understand what consciousness is, even conceptually. 

It all makes some sense when I meditate, but I lose the clarity almost immediately after I stop.

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On 12/22/2017 at 2:13 PM, Angelo John Gage said:

@Joseph Maynor See, I believe there are absolute truths, or the Truth with the capital T. For one to say "no there is no truth with at capital T," is a claim of absolute truth in of itself.

For example, when someone says "We will never know all things" it's a true statement as it is impossible, thus absolutely true. 

Such a statement like " all meanings are false" is an absolute one.

So if there are absolute truths, there may be other absolute things? The Absolute Infinity in of itself is absolute, and could be composed of infinite absolute things... this is absolutely  a mind fuck lol 

Not necessarily.  See, that seems right to you because you are assuming that meanings can be true — which is a belief, a paradigm. Thoughts can be used in many more ways than that — which is actually how we use them.  But the Mind is insistent on assuming that meanings are things that are true and false.  

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@Joseph Maynor 

I've pretty much watched enough of @Leo Gura videos to where I get the main jist of the teachings... unless it's "REAL" in this Illusion; manifested, then it is just made up concepts from the mind.

Thus paradoxes are not an issue; its only issue in the language we use. 

Logic is a language; a language cannot explain anything truly, just describe and it is limited in doing so.

So me being very logical in my arguments, are just a sliver of reality in that perspective. 

What is happening to me after encountering these videos and information is a feeling of freedom with is extremely empowering, in fact, I'm gonna post about it now.



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Idealism? No please, that's not rational nor realistic at all. Not that rationalism is necessarily a good thing.

Green thinking... gross.

Edited by Spiral

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On 12/22/2017 at 6:38 PM, Angelo John Gage said:

Truth is what is fact.

my birthday year = 1984

2 + 2 = 4

Flowers are not cars.

We are writing in English and not Arabic.

It is an observation that of what is self-evident and is immutable; that, irrespective of the observer, does not change.

Thus someone who cannot see the truth, does not actually know it.

What do you consider to be a fact?  Give me a short paragraph please.

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On 12/25/2017 at 5:07 AM, Angelo John Gage said:

@Joseph Maynor 

I've pretty much watched enough of @Leo Gura videos to where I get the main jist of the teachings... unless it's "REAL" in this Illusion; manifested, then it is just made up concepts from the mind.

Thus paradoxes are not an issue; its only issue in the language we use. 

Logic is a language; a language cannot explain anything truly, just describe and it is limited in doing so.

So me being very logical in my arguments, are just a sliver of reality in that perspective. 

What is happening to me after encountering these videos and information is a feeling of freedom with is extremely empowering, in fact, I'm gonna post about it now.



You’re gonna have a few big surprises yet if you stay on this path.  That Rationalist Paradigm you hold is a piece of culture that the Mind is laying on top of Being.  Welcome to the journey.  It’s a disjointed affair.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Joseph Maynor I now see rationalism as a tool kit to help in certain aspects, but can never, nor can tool,  describe the true reality. I'm fine with paradoxes and all that now, because I have seen, in my trips, the infinite regress which came as form of a spiral that kept going and going and going.. I guess that's what one looks like lol

Edited by Angelo John Gage

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