
Why modern society at large has no clue about enlightenment?

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I know Leo talked about this but still I can't quite grasp this. Christianity talks about this, Hinduism talks about this, Islam, Buddhism, Taoism, Judaism, ancient mythologies etc all talk about this, and yet society at large has misinterpreted God and enlightenment. You can find this in arts and cultures, even in pop culture, Matrix talks about this and Beatles have songs about this. Yet humanity exported God to heavens and made enlightenment as some exclusive luxury accessible only for most saint people. I see how even many modern books about enlightenment do not really talk about god, they do not really being articulate enough in describing what this state of being really mean in bigger picture - that you are nothingness/god. They forgot that well this is what god all about and it is right here, it is you! Many enlightened gurus do not talk about it directly enough, except Leo many of modern gurus I read and watched do not talk about full meaning of non-duality and that you are GOD, maybe they don't really understand the whole scope?I guess talking bout enlightenment in abstract metaphors in novels and in zen riddles did not help humanity much to realise full scale of things. I guess enlightened gurus need perhaps to talk about this more directly, they are so afraid of word 'God' sometimes. 

How could humanity fucked up so bad after thousands of years talking about god? If this is the main thing you can realise, yet we think of getting to God as some 'extra' thing in life accessible for some lucky people instead of something 'core', practical and most important thing to life any human being can 'have' and by 'having it' can start to have 'real life' instead of zombie life.

I've read that in India today quite high number of people know about enlightenment, yet they decide not to care about that and consider this as unnecessary staff. I guess they simply do not realise the whole scope of it, that it means you are GOD and all that non-duality, they just think of it as just some high and great state of being? I don't know if this is true, but it makes me wonder a lot. 

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@Monkey-man There may be no more profound mystery than the 'why' of the compelling spell of Maya. I can only imagine that that too has its integral Divine role to play.

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Because you cannot communicate Truth.

All attempts to communicate it are lies by definition.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura well you succeeded at communicating description of truth quite well imho

and thats what I wonder about really, why humanity is so bad in trying to communicate description  if this is so important?


@snowleopard it might have its role but still if this is so important and yet so many enlightened people are simply not being articulate enough in describing all these staff. coz you can at least be articulate enough if it is so important and if you are trying to lead people towards light.. because ppl will misunderstand you and will either crucify god or believe in beliefs.

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@Leo Gura Is it accurate to say that all religions exist because of misinterpretation of this truth?

"Maybe aliens is sitting somewhere up there looking at this at like a video feed and jerking off to it. You don't know!" - Leo Gura, 2018

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No, that's where you are mistaken. My description is as wrong as all the others.

The problem isn't with the description, it's with the mind not wanting to understand it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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probably because not many talk about it i never heard a word of it anywhere i go and it isn't part of the usual education 

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We live in a low-consciousness world (especially the western world), ruled by reason and science. You just have to follow your path, one day the human collective will wake up. 

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I think people think it's not practical.  You have to really see that materialism doesn't work before you start on enlightenment.  

The whole structure of mind is designed to not want enlightenment and to want materialism.

if you think you are going in the right direction you will not turn around and go the other way.  This is what enlightenment asks of us.  

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its funny coz this goes same for post-christian capitalistic west, post-communist capitalistic east, spiritual india, underdeveloped africa and overdeveloped europe and northern america, islamic middle east, and whoever else. can't think of a country who care about that

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because living systems naturally work against the growth of entropy until they die.

there are hard coded reward systems related to strengthening the belief in a self. thus pride, consumerism, greed, gluttony, avarice and other egoic addictions feel good almost instantly, but soon enough the system is dominated by a deep and awkward feeling of emptiness.

that feeling of emptiness is Truth ITself knocking on one's door, because there is no self. it doesn't matter how hard we try to fill intrinsic emptiness with illusions... it just can't be done.

unborn Truth

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actually a lot of people do know about general concepts like "we dont know who we are" or "other people dont exist", it's just that their understanding is too shallow therefore they arent interested in that.

for example I talked about meditation with my friends and they have a bunch of concepts about it and most of them said it's bullshit, until I explained what it actually is and then they were like "holy shit it's actually pretty legit".

it's not that they dont know, they dont know enough. they categorize all this as "philosophy" which is linked with "boring and useless" so here you go..

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Everyone is entertained in their own unique way

Thinking one is enlightened, or can get enlightened, is part of the entertainment too.

Self-help is entertainment. The list goes on. Why judge one over the other. Thoughts mainly.

I can understand why many wouldn't want to get enlightened after the fact. No problems, no drama, so the entertainment shifts. Not saying problems and drama won't pop up - it's just that one knows its entertainment whereas so called others are too deep into theirs to notice. Maybe thats where that whole compassion comes in.

I'm entertaining myself by posting here, even though i'm moving away from Truth by doing so.

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@Monkey-man  I suggest that the spell of duality is the price to be paid for the sake of having this relational experience. For example,  without the dreaming up of a 'self' and 'other-than-self',  this conversation would never happen.  But then the spell of this dream becomes so compellingly believable that most just take it as reality, and thus become completely invested and indoctrinated in it -- even despite all the attendant suffering that comes with it. And so only the revelation of what one is in essence will dispel the dream. However, as Leo points out, Reality can't really be communicated by mere descriptions, which will never suffice in lieu of deep inquiry. What instigates that inquiry may well have to do with reaching the limits of existential suffering. But I'm not even sure about that, as it can often seem to be a complete mystery why that inquiry begins. But whatever the case, even then, I don't feel that the dream just ends. Rather, it is just revealed to be what it actually is: a clever ruse for the sake of having this relational experience. One is just delivered from the unquestioning belief in it, such that, with some intentional suspension of disbelief, the 'play' is consciously acted out, but absent the existential suffering part. However, whether falling under the spell in the first place is even avoidable may be a moot point. Clearly Maya-mode seems to be destined.

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@Source_Mystic And the thing is, govermnent "leaders" are conditioned, brainwashed and have low consciousness too! They still feel empty ( i suppose), they are still like us, have the same feelings, anxieties, fears. Only that their fears might be getting out of power or the govermnent being overpowered.

It might be the ego, because if they consideer themselfs leader and higher than other people, then they feel pleasant temporarely, but what they never notice, or what the ego tries to do, which is hide the fact that you are suffering (the ego loves to do this, to deny whats happening, but the truth is, the ego is a imaginary human invention). Soo thhey feel pleasant temporarely but then the suffering comes back.

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I’ve heard that the fall of mankind is when we started to cook our food.

If you think about it more it kinda makes sense. And as soon as we start eating the right diet (raw food) we awaken from the madness we’ve been living day in and day out (work,school, materialism)

maybe I’m wrong but who’s to say otherwise? 

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@Monkey-man next time you eat it be aware on how it can drain your energy, whereas raw food gives you instant energy.

nothing wrong with cooked food, unless your eating the standard American diet all day...

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