
What is Spiritual Enlightenment? - A Detailed Description

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@Shanmugam What is the difference between Self-realization and kundalini awakening? 

The unborn Lord has many incarnations. BPHS 

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@Deep Kundalini is nothing but your natural energy.. 

What you say as ‘kundalini’ is the same energy that you are feeling right now. But the energy seems to be split; There are always conflicting thought patterns and tendencies.. The energy is not directed or channelled in one way. It is similar to the leaks in a water pipe..

If there is no conflict at all, then the whole energy moves in one direction and is completely synchronized with existence… The whole spiritual path is about cleaning the mess, just like how you clear all the vegetable-remains in the kitchen sink.. Its just like how the mist clears to reveal the sun...

Once all the mess within is cleaned, then there is a tremendous conservation of energy..  But there is no need to focus on kundalini, chakras and things like that. I don't use the word 'kundalini' usually because it has become a fancy word now.


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"Spirituality is being 100% present in what is real for you in the moment -- what is True in your experience" -- Emerald.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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On 19/12/2017 at 7:47 PM, Shanmugam said:

@Highest It can be actually said in three different ways, because there are three different dimensions to it..

There is a word called satchitananda in India, which can be broken up into 'sat-chit-ananda'. They are three different words..

1) Sat - this word means 'truth'. It can also be said as 'existence'. Because in reality, that is all which exists.. Nothing but truth exists and there is no duality.

2) Chit - this word means 'conciousness', can be also said as awareness... This is what gives meaning to existence. If there is no awareness of existence, then there is simply nothing, nobody is there to witness the existence.. 

3) Ananda- it translates into bliss. But this is not happiness as people understand. This is the experience of pure reality.. Completely indescribable to a person who is living in duality. 

As long as it is understood that words are nothing but pointers, there is no problem..:)


You sir are great at explaining things.

You should write a book... Oh wait! 


-1/12 is Infinity 

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Why does it have to be so complicated to just accept "I am that I am"? Oh that's right....the 'need' to keep the monkey preoccupied with something.

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12 minutes ago, SOUL said:

Why does it have to be so complicated to just accept "I am that I am"? Oh that's right....the 'need' to keep the monkey preoccupied with something.

Ok then.. Let us all just accept 'I am that I am' and close down this forum... No more books, no more Gurus and no more talk about enlightenment.

Just fly a hydrogen balloon with the sentence 'I am that I am' and the whole world will be enlightened. ;)


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3 minutes ago, Shanmugam said:

Ok then.. Let us all just accept 'I am that I am' and close down this forum... No more books, no more Gurus and no more talk about enlightenment.

Just fly a hydrogen balloon with the sentence 'I am that I am' and the whole world will be enlightened. ;)

I'm already on that train of thought... er... um... balloon of thought! I am fully aware of the nature of speaking the unspoken, of teaching the unlearnable and expressing the inexpressible state of just being present.

Although, I find that people are consumed by making it more and more complicated with their methods and techniques and layers upon layers of concepts instead of simplifying it. Why? The ego needs to be kept occupied with the activity and achievement of the path instead of just 'being' it.

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7 minutes ago, SOUL said:

I'm already on that train of thought... er... um... balloon of thought! I am fully aware of the nature of speaking the unspoken, of teaching the unlearnable and expressing the inexpressible state of just being present.

Although, I find that people are consumed by making it more and more complicated with their methods and techniques and layers upon layers of concepts instead of simplifying it. Why? The ego needs to be kept occupied with the activity and achievement of the path instead of just 'being' it.

The reason why a lot of things are spoken is because there are a lot of ways people get conditioned. Enlightenment is simple but the mind is not..

The nature of an unenlightened mind is like a knot in a thread. The knot is very complicated. Enlightenment is just untying the knot and restoring it as a pure thread. I decided to write a book about Jesus simply because there are devote Christians in India conditioned by their religion. It is very very hard to get them open-minded to listen to these things. It is similar to using a thorn to remove another thorn.

Watch the following video for example, you may understand what I mean:



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Just now, Shanmugam said:

The reason why a lot of things are spoken is because there are a lot of ways people get conditioned. Enlightenment is simple but the mind is not..

The nature of an unenlightened mind is like a knot in a thread. The knot is very complicated. Enlightenment is just untying the knot and restoring it as a pure thread. I decided to write a book about Jesus simply because there are devote Christians in India conditioned by their religion. It is very very hard to get them open-minded to listen to these things. It is similar to using a thorn to remove another thorn.

Watch the following video for example, you may understand what I mean:


I see Osho, I press upv...

Oh well ...

@SOUL Talking about it fasten the processus, we don't need and want a 4th world war to awaken the human race.

Yes there is no need for any techniques, yes there is no need to learn anything, but like you said, the need for enlightenment comes from a deficiency of the ego.
At the beginning there needs to be a goal or a process to go through, because this is how the mind works, there is no alternative possible for it, he doesn't know what being is.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Shanmugam So, in response to my simplifying it you increase the complexity of explanation and add another voice explaining in a video?

Oh, I understand you.... i understand it all too much.... yet I gave up a fast...and in it there is a clarity that is infinite and absolute.

So I take occam's razor to the hairiness of understanding every moment I can.

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@SOUL If there is a crowd which is making a lot of noise and if you want to make them calm down, what should you do? You should shout a bit louder than the crowd itself to say 'silence please'!... There is no other way :) ..


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6 minutes ago, Shin said:


@SOUL Talking about it fasten the processus, we don't need and want a 4th world war to awaken the human race.

Yes there is no need for any techniques, yes there is no need to learn anything, but like you said, the need for enlightenment comes from a deficiency of the ego.
At the beginning there needs to be a goal or a process to go through, because this is how the mind works, there is no alternative possible for it, he doesn't know what being is.

Fasten the process? If anything it appears like all this talk hinders the process by creating endless concepts to process but if thousands of years of talk haven't prevented war, I'm not sure how more talk...even thousands of years more will change it. Feeding the ego with more to identify with, even enlightenment identity, doesn't starve it of identity if that is your intention to 'fasten' it.

Oh... and I didn't say "the need for enlightenment comes from a deficiency of the ego", you did... you read it into my words because that is your idea that you see, as you perceive it, it's not mine and I didn't say that even though you read it that way. The ego desires out of an existential hunger but this is an illusion of lacking but it won't be fastened by more illusion no matter how eloquently it is spoken.

Again, the reason why is the ego needs it like the next chip in the bag like an addict but we all know how obese in the mind it will make us but we can't stop at just one, right? Teach the ego to fast from it all and observe how fast it will be fastened.

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42 minutes ago, Shanmugam said:

@SOUL If there is a crowd which is making a lot of noise and if you want to make them calm down, what should you do? You should shout a bit louder than the crowd itself to say 'silence please'!... There is no other way :) ..

What should I do? If i want silence I go where it is quiet even if that is only the sanctity of my own silence in the midst of din.

Why do you want to silence the crowd? No matter how loud, how much or what you shout if they don't want to be silent there isn't anything you can say to change that.

Although that analogy was weak in it's attempt to convey the message you intended. I get that you want to reach someone in a 'language' they understand but I'm encouraging you to be mindful of ultimately the simplicity of just being as the healing for the complicated life that distracts us from it, not add more complication to it. If it is really untangling the knot it is done by loosening from it, not attaching more.

Talk to them in the way they can hear you yes but don't let it distract from the message of simple silence so to speak.

Edited by SOUL

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