
How do you visualize?

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I want to know if there is a correct way. Do you do in a first person perspective or third person perspective when visualize yourself? Is there any differents? How can I improve this skill?

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You want to form as clear a mental image or movie as possible of your goal already obtained or being completed.

For instance, if I was a boxer, I might visualize the entire fight. Then I'd visualize how I'd knock out my opponent in the end and having the crowd go wild.

You also want to add as much positive emotion as possible. Feel love, gratitude and like you want to celebrate for what you've accomplished. That pushes it deeper into your subconscious.

The way you train visualization is just by practicing daily and improving your concentration skills. The more you can concentrate and flow energy into your vision, the better.

I've never heard that first person or third person matters. I find myself doing both.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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@Eudaimonia I visualize dreams, goals, and wishes with positivity and intention...I visualize horrific worst case negative things automatically/ unintentionally...sadly the second happens far, far, far more often and requires little effort to construct or maintain...the only effort is to attempt to dismantle overcome, or replace...

I am a visual thinker so I don't really know how to describe the construction of my positive/ intentional visualizations...maybe it's kind of like asking a language based thinker how they form sentences...but it's a very good question...I often layer things (like working in photoshop) it starts with the base of the vision and then I add to it...I will add the golden light that comes from my heart to give everything vibrancy too...sometimes I draw it...sometimes it's a still image, other times it's a movie...which ever would be most impactful based on my desire...I'm wishing you awesome visualizations!


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You already visualize all the time.  Just become more mindful of that.  I used to do visualization sessions where I would sit down with a timer and all that — and I’m not pooh-pooing that practice because it has its use.  But what I do now is when the Mind wants to consider something, I’m very polite to it — and I say ok, let’s deal with this since you are trying to care for me.  And at that time, I’ll visualize and deep-dive the issue with the Mind to try to gain some awareness so the Mind feels better and drops the issue.  This may seem basic — but watch how often you will try to ignore the Mind or shove it’s issues under the rug.  And we wonder why we have Monkey-Mind!  You gotta be nice to the Mind, it really is trying to help you.  It means well, it just doesn’t always have full awareness at hand.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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