
Meditation Breakthrough

5 posts in this topic

Hi all,

I've been meditating on and off for about 6 months - slowly building up and recently maintaining 20 minutes every day. I'd just like to share some of my experiences and see if anyone has felt anything similar.

I like to focus on the 'inner body' as Tolle calls it, feeling the body from within and doing body scans. Often I will get a strong feeling of 'expansion' beyond my regular sense of my body. As if my physical size is literally expanding to fill the room -- kinda strange but feels really cool. Yesterday I had an incredibly profound sense of energy engulf my whole body, more powerful than anything I've ever felt. Like there was a small sun radiating from the center of my chest -- I can't really describe it, I felt incredibly clear and light, but I wasn't thinking. I wasn't even 'me' really. Argh! It was very positive, I felt enveloped in a sense of warmth, love and expansion. It only lasted for a short time, but I felt like I had 'broken through' to another level, like I see myself in a different way now. Seriously!

Overall my meditation habit has improved the quality of my life in more ways that I would have ever imagined. Sometimes I just break out into smiles and laughter, for no particular reason, a big improvement over random fits of sadness and crying.

Thanks for reading, first post here :)

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Ya keep doing that :).  No need to read or think about anything, unless you need help later.

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Great job! Keep at it!

The best is yet to come ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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