Damir Elezi

Difficulty with creating a vision

13 posts in this topic

I just watched Leo's newest video (the motivational speech thing) and I loved it! I kinda lost track of this channel a bit because of all the non-duality topics which I don't really feel ready for yet, but this video has really sparked something in me again. 

One thing @Leo Gura mentions there is the importance of vision. A clear vision which touches you emotionally, even makes you cry, in order to come back to it when times get tough and use it as a guideline. I don't really know how to create a detailed vision. I know what my passions are (at least some of them, there are probably much more things I can be passionate about), I put some habits into place and try to live life as healthy as possible right now, trying to map out what the hell I am gonna do with this life. I have some vague goals, like emotional mastery, financial independence, success as an artist, close relationships and accumulation of knowledge and insight into the truths of existence, which I break down monthly into certain mile stones and then weekly and daily into to-do lists, which I just follow through day to day. Although I manage to get some stuff done like that, I don't really feel a strong passion for my what I'm doing most of the time. 

How can I turn my goals into a clear vision that touches me emotionally? How did you guys create your vision? 

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He also mentioned it will be hard. It will take timed if you trust the process you will end up with no confusion. 

Focus on discovering yourself! You know what you want, ignorance is just hiding it. 

It seems like you already doing some good work. If you are not meditating I highly suggest you start. :)

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@cirkussmile I do meditate, although I often fall off and can't really stick to doing it every day. Been doing it inconsistently for over a year though. 

But that's what I wanna ask you guys, is there any method to slowly discovering myself or do I just sit and ask myself "Who am I? Who am I?" Over and over again?

@Nahm I never really sat down and decided "I will be an artist!" I just always loved to write/make music and so I did. It's part of my personality. The only decisions I make is if I make the stuff I create public or not, if I actually want to build some kind of carreer around it and if I want to create things on a regular basis or just when I have the time and feel like it. But creative impulses and the need to create some form of "art" is always there. 

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@Damir Elezi Contemplate what are you most interested in doing at this point of your life. What kind of skill you wish to master the most. What could this skill be used for to create the value for society you are living in. Then envision yourself as successful person in that direction daily. Just imagine how would you look like, how would you act, what would you do, how people would appreciate you for the value you are providing with your skill. Envision this image in the NOW. It is very powerful - do it daily

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On 21.12.2017 at 6:21 AM, Joseph Maynor said:

Watch this video!


I know that one, good video but I don't know how to create that for myself :D

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@egoless Thank you for your response, I contemplated about that using a variety of methods. The skill that is most important to me to master would probably be rapping and creating rap songs, but I noticed that the general life style I am living is more important to me than the mastery of that skill. The rap thing would just be a big part of the overall life I am trying to create. I think I am relatively clear now about what I want. Is that already a vision? Or do I have to really imagine it visually and write it down for it to be lasting?

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@Damir Elezi it’s soooo much easier to see that you can do all of everything you want to do, if you write it all on a wall. 

Manifest it on the wall, because the wall is literally everything in absolute potentiality. It’s not a wall. 




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@Damir Elezi I'm going through exactly the same thing right now, I guess contemplation is one of our only tools here. 

Contemplate why self-actualization is importation for you. Why do you want to master these things? Why do want insights? Why do you want emotional mastery?, etc.

When you do this, in some time an answer will start to form and you'll know why you do what you do, why you want to self-actualize. Then, based on finding the why part, your motivation for it, you can create the vision that is connected to why you do it.


In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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the need for passion is selfish. true passion comes after years of hard, deliberate work. forget about your passion and see what is the most meaningful contribution you can imagine you can contribute to the world.

you clearly have to read books, dont expect people on this forum to give you answers that you will understand. when you read a book, you understand a concept much deeper. If you expect the answers on this forum or one line conclusions from a book to solve your problems you are wrong. this all is just directions for your own contemplation. thats why reading a book instead of reading the conclusion of it is much more effective (because you contemplate along with reading the book).

you dont know how to create a vision? read a book. by Leo's own words the best book you can ever read is mastery by george leonard. if you ever get stuck in life read a book. another great book is "so good they cant ignore you" by cal newport. I didnt read mastery yet  but I did "so good they cant ignore you" and it will shatter you paradigm about passions and your take on life purpose and will definitely clear things up for you regards to your vision

I dont have a vision yet, im in the middle of the life purpose course so take my words with a grain of salt and see for yourself, but I think a good, compelling vision is the hardest thing to get. your knowledge should be extremely broad, you have to get great big picture understanding and your vision hones with time, so now you just have to do hard deliberate work(so good they cant ignore you will definitely set you up for that, it will give you a great source as to how to get internal motivation) and go on with life building your vision slowly. by slowly I mean contemplate what you think you want for the world and over time refine refine refine.

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Thank you all so much for responding. After contemplating this stuff I got to know some stuff about myself, but I mainly noticed that I might be giving it too much "logical" thought. Maybe a good vision touches you more on a deep emotional level than it actually makes logical sense, which means that I can not sorta "deduce" a vision from my personal preferences (which I tried to do until now, I'm the philosopher type of guy you know). I think I'll just ask myself what my dream life is and write down anything that comes to mind until I have something so beautiful that I am willing to work my ass off for it. Apart from that problem, I am driven like I never really was before in my life. But then again, it feels like I always had this drive, but was kinda scared to show it even to myself. I'd like to thank you for the great advice, it all definitely helped me :) Keep grinding!

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