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The Future of Social Media???

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So today I was looking around the internet. Dark Web, Tor, BTC, and all that wierd internet stuff and i came upon IndaHash.

I literally just heard about this today so if anyone knows about this topic let me know.

But I was on the website and I came across this video: hhtps:// WATCH IT NOW!

It's basically marketing gone mad. Probably gonna take over social media. It's fairly new, only about 3 months and it seem's scary.

Social media won't be for communication or entertainment anymore, it'll be a business for EVERYONE, all users will feel it is necassary to have.

It literally just promotes ego, money, greed, short-term gratification and that's why its so popular. I'm tempted to get into it lmao. It's a dream come true for all entrepenuers, youtubers, and celebrities.

Do you feel what I'm getting at? 

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Yeah.  Business thrives on communication.  The Internet allows people to market themselves and their products and services.  People also like speed, which the communication technology is providing.  Amazon is trying to revamp their entire logistics system to satisfy people’s desire for speed — the mentality of I want it when I want it, and I want it now.  The Internet is a digital marketplace.  Like the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul, the Internet is a place for merchants and vendors to trade their wares and services.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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