Mohamad Tahmas

Only Laws That Can Be Broken Are Natural Laws

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The only laws that can't be broken are the natural laws, The rest of laws can be broken as long as your intention is goodness or you're in a high consciousness level.


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How is the Mind projecting this concept of Law onto reality?  Where does this word and concept called "law" come from?  How exactly are you assuming that this "law" metaphor models or describes reality?  Are laws part of reality or something that the Mind lays on top of reality?

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Joseph Maynor I know about the chemistry of your body and without certain laws you couldn't be alive, that's as far as my knowledge goes. If you have a new point of view on reality please tell me.

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On 12/19/2017 at 11:47 AM, Mohamad Tahmas said:

@Joseph Maynor I know about the chemistry of your body and without certain laws you couldn't be alive, that's as far as my knowledge goes. If you have a new point of view on reality please tell me.

This is a good answer.  It made me think over the course of a few days now.  Chemistry is one of the most empirical of the sciences, so I applaud you for picking the hardest example in your favor for me to try and refute.  I will not refute it, but I will attempt to deconstruct it a bit.  What is Chemistry?  What is a law of Chemistry?  What is being associated with these "laws"?  Sure, in a specific circumstance we can formulate certain rules of thumb that pertain to certain chemical changes that can be observed with the eye.  But do those changes constitute laws directly, or is it only after the Mind gets involved that we see an extrapolation into laws.  Laws are thoughts.  Thoughts are not chemical changes.  Chemical changes are not even analyzable into constituent parts, as Nature is not discrete in that way -- it's actually a mental metaphor being placed on top of reality that says this.  I would be alive if I were not thinking, and thus I would be alive if laws didn't exist.  I don't need thoughts to exist.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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