
Share your daily routines!

22 posts in this topic

Hi, this post is really just an excuse to test out this forum and feel a little bet less alone on my self-actualization journey.

Recently I started practicing a daily morning routine of various subcionscious reprogramming methods, meditation, and exercise.

So, just to start a conversation between other self-actualizers around, what are your morning rituals or daily routines?

Maybe I can add a habit or two to mine. Thanks!

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my current routine is meditating as soon as i wake up for 30 minutes. i have  been doing that for the past 2 weeks or so and will continue to do it.

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My routine is self-inquiry all day every day :D and do nothing technique is most powerful to do....

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@Patoto 20 mins- coffee while listening to Abe hicks, 50 min run jammin to music; researching & writing - transferring that energy, 20 min workout, 30 min med - (focus on breathe), raw meal shake, 24/7 stomach breathing focus, only wanted thoughts, love love love love love love love love, 1 or 2 more raw meal shakes, more love, sleep 6 hours, repeat. ?❤️

Side note- find bliss in being alone, and the world is your oyster.



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1.meditation 30 minutes

2. Walking 10-20 minutes

3.stretching/foam rolling

4. Visualization before bed for 15 minutes

5.getting early on bed 10-11 

6. Working out (calisthenics) on my workout days

 Basically most of my routines are about fitness which is my passion.

So i try to balance the yang (working out) with yin (stretching,foam rolling,sleeping)

 You are not alone ;)

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Wake up, smoothie, a bit of yoga, (shower), vaguely plan the day and maybe get some inspiration or reminders from my commonplace book, meditate. After that it's just balancing studying for school, meditation and reading and research.

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Mine is as follows

- wake up early

- tidy the bed

- sit in bed for a min and set the mindset for a positive day(affirmations etc etc)

- do yoga for 30 min

- practice pranayama 

- practice meditation for 1 hour

- eat heavy nutritious breakfast 

- be coincious through out the day And sit in the right posture with the spine straight all the time

- eat well balanced lunch on time

- eat some fruit or snack around 4 (no sugar items)

- come back from work and immediately start cooking( no sitting down and lazy activities)

- eat dinner early around 8

- office work/other personal activities till 10

- read personal development books (30 min - 1 hour)

revisit you days activities (what went well and what can be improved..log the activities if needed)

sleep around 11- 11:30 until you are dead sleepy

I have been following this routine for some time and I see amazing results..I have lot of energy during the day and my sleep quota has reduced and I am waking up refreshed with full of energy.

hope this helps. 







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I have been meditating a ton in the past month. In the middle of the week I tend to meditate about 1-2 hours troughout the day and 2-3 hours in the evening.
At weekends I meditate for 2-4 hours in the morning additionally. So it may happen that I meditate for about 7-8 hours a day on weekends.
Apart from that I started reading books now for about 1-2 hours a day. Also fool around watching some youtube videos or tv series. Then I also do some workout and jogging occaisonally. Not much time for anything else with so much meditation. I am in a difficult phase at the moment, because I a pretty much in a withdrawl from porn and masturbation so the tons of meditation really keep me in a very good mood troughout the day.

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Wake up with a contrast shower

Hydration with electrolytes


Deep work for several hours

Walking with audiobooks

Coffee/tea/detox drink

Shallow work and productivity

Workout and reading

Dinner and relaxation

Journalling and sleep


Body Mind Empowerment 
My YouTube channel:

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Wow, I'm actually a little moved by so many answers.

When I wrote this post, I didn't check it again for like 3 days cause I thought I needed to give it time for at least 1 answer, but I now I just checked it and there's tons of answers, and like serious answers.

Guess might as well share my current routine:

-Go to sleep at 12am

-Wake up at 8am

-Breakfast: Coffee and bread (30 min)

-Shower: Normal hot water shower (30 min)

-Review my Me Sheet (5 min)

-Life Purpose Affirmations (5 min)

-Life Purpose Contemplation (5 min)

-Life Purpose Visualization (10 min)

-Concentration (5 min)

-Meditation (30 min)

-Exercise (20 min)


-And then just work on my Life Purpose


I've been meditating for a couple of years now. (Losing track of the exact amount)
Although, being honest, I've missed some days, but I'd say I've meditated for about 95% of those 2 years.

I've reviewed my Me Sheet for 2 months now, no days missed.

So really the new things I'm adding to my routine are the affirmations, contemplations, visualizations, concentrations, and exercise.

By the way, I'm aware that I can improve my breakfast and maybe my shower habits, but for now I'm focusing on finishing 90 days of the new habits.

Although, really my goal is to just keep doing them forever, maybe shifting the focus of what I'm programming my subconscious mind with.

Right now I only have 6 consecutive days of this morning routine, which I know is a pathetic amount, but I'm very committed to doing the 90 days of it to make it really stick in my subconscious. I feel quite confident that I'll make it, cause I'm very passionate about my vision, and I know this is the way to make it happen.


Anyways, I'm rambling, this ain't my journal!

Thanks everyone for sharing! We are not alone!

Edited by Patoto

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  On 12/16/2017 at 11:20 AM, Marios Tsagoulis said:

6. Working out (calisthenics) on my workout days


what's your workout routine? and is it for cardio as well? im looking for a cardio & lifting routine but in one and calisthenics seems like the answer 

Edited by d0ornokey

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Vacation: Wake up, eat breakfast, go to pc, play ps4, eat lunch...

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Get born, Enjoy Life, Fall into Death

Thankfully it flows, rather than cycles groundhog style.

New creation is beautiful to experience, even the minor ones.

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Hey @Patoto

My daily routine is:

-Go to sleep at 9pm

-Write your goals for the next day

Next Day

1-Wake up 5am

2-Making my bed (This gives you a sense of accomplishment and momentum, setting up your day for success)

3-Meditation (20 or 30 mins, depending on how I feel)

4-Prayer (Ask "God", whatever that might be for you, it might just be something greater. Don´t ask for material stuff, ask for wisdom, to be more loving, to be braver, etc.)

5-Painting or Writing for 1 hour.


7-Shower (I used to do cold showers, and still do sometimes, they are an amazing exercise for willpower and really healthy for your skin and hair.)

Edited by Improvement Warrior

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 I eat, poop and sleep, not necessarily in that order but other than that nothing in my life is routine.

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  On 12/20/2017 at 0:43 AM, d0ornokey said:

what's your workout routine? and is it for cardio as well? im looking for a cardio & lifting routine but in one and calisthenics seems like the answer 

Send me a message i can really help you with everything. <3

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Wake up.  Take my meds.

Relax  in bed for a while and check my Actualized account and the daily news.  Read my mission statement.

Make and eat breakfast.  Take my supplements and drink my protein shake.

Take shower, get dressed.

Walk to my office.

Get my coffee and get my work day organized.

Work on my job related stuff and my personal admin related stuff.


Work on my Personal Development stuff and participate on the forum.  Listen to some music.

Walk home.

Eat dinner.  Read a little bit.  Read some personal development materials.  Go to sleep.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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