
Unconditional Love?

55 posts in this topic

6 hours ago, Pinocchio said:

Leo.... thank you for this.


I was wrong, and I didn't know it. I just realized... I did not think love existed. I knew unholy egoic attachment existed. And on the other hand, I knew truth existed, and I knew what I feel more powerfully each day. But untapped and unspecific. I thought relationships were total bullshit.

I can't explain to you what happened today. But now I know I was wrong.


Love exists... Jesus, I did not know that...


Thank you thank you thank you

Hehehe, nice!

If you wouldn't have come around, I don't know who would ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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This :)     ...genuinely touched.. 

Edited by tryingforfreedom

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@Pinocchio Sounds like you're ready for a dose of the Love Revolution ;)



Also not sure why you didn't see the love Jed exhibits towards all the people he interacts with in his books. To me those interactions reek of his enlightened compassion and kindness.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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There's no "loving someone". There's no "I love you" - as that's already a condition. 

There is just love. Sprouting there from there.  Love is what brings you back to you. 

The EXACT way you "feel" love, is the same you "feel" enlightenment. You know, you try to explain it, you try to look at it from all direction, until you realize that you are both the directions, and the love itself and there's nothing to look at. You ARE that. 

There's so much love here, it feels like the Universe is breathing through my chest. AND, it is so simple, and so in front of your eyes... 

Too much joy here!! Too much love !!! 



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39 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:




The problem here is that... he is still speaking to and for a PERSON ;) 


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11 minutes ago, Ayla said:

@Ayla The problem here is that... he is still speaking to and for a PERSON

Didn't figure you for one who nitpicks love :P

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Didn't figure you for one who nitpicks love :P

ME? 9_9

There's no me here, you are dreaming LOL. There is some PM from me however waiting for your godlyness to guide :P



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@Makkatya back to the original question : Can one love unconditionally without being enlightened? 

don't wait till you think you're enlightened (it still be an other conceptual thing for the mind before you really experiment it)

every step you go with somebody overcoming old fears and leaving them aside is liberating, is on the way to unconditional love..

Being conscientiously totally exposed to what ever emerges and embracing it without any fear, would be the ultimate.

But again every step you go in this direction is a bliss

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4 minutes ago, Pinocchio said:

Down from my high

The down and the high will reveal themselves as illusions once you let go of that "my"



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6 minutes ago, Ayla said:

The down and the high will reveal themselves as illusions once you let go of that "my"


I don't know exactly where you're coming from with that but don't deny half of who you are, there is such a thing as a "you" and "I".

I can almost guarantee you that almost if not all the people reading that is gonna misunderstand it even if you're coming from the correct place and they gonna try to deny their ego in a way that's not possible, just let the ego be the student and not the master :) 


That's all of you :) The blue pillar / white pillar (it changes from time to time) is the subconscious side and what make you part of everything else.

The middle path is in between.

Edited by Keyblade Viking

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6 minutes ago, Pinocchio said:

@Keyblade Viking Could you explain a little bit about how that picture could help me?

Thanks much


Honestly, there's so much to it that it's hard to say where to begin but that's the nature of everything.

What planet belong to what "Sephiroth" (the circles) is already written out along with a few other things, if you look up some mythology about those planets and realize that every single thing you read is symbolism and that all the planets are inside of you (As Above So Below) you can start to think your way in to it.

When you're done trying to think your way in to it let go of it because it's impossible, walk about your daily life and let the answers come to you;

I'll probably come back and explain a bit in a while but not right now as there's so much to say :) (It's always better when you abstract your own meaning anyway).

Actually I gonna create a thread on the topic when I'm ready but if I remember I'll link it here, hopefully I'll spark some discussion :) 

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Just now, Pinocchio said:

@Keyblade Viking Ok thanks. For the record, for my part I'm not particularly interested in the mythology and the models and the doodads and the whatnots, my interest in asking is about how I might use that thing in my own current situation right now, if at all.


Wise not to be interested in these charts but the symbolism and mythology can help you a lot when you learn from everything around you ;) 

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'Love is not the product of thought which is the past. Thought cannot  possibly cultivate love. Love is not hedged about and caught in  jealousy, for jealousy is of the past. Love is always active present.  It is not `I will love' or `I have loved'. If you know love you will  not follow anybody. Love does not obey. When you love there is  neither respect nor disrespect.  Don't you know what it means really to love somebody - to love  without hate, without jealousy, without anger, without wanting to  interfere with what he is doing or thinking, without condemning,  without comparing - don't you know what it means? Where there is love  is there comparison? When you love someone with all your heart, with  all your mind, with all your body, with your entire being, is there  comparison? When you totally abandon yourself to that love there is  not the other.' - J.Krishnmurti.

To me Krishnamurti has some great things to say about 'real love'. Love that is unconditional, is not intellectualised, it does not Involve mind, but is fully heart. It is not possessive or self-seeking, it just IS.

Furthermore,  I think part of the problem here in such discussions is that when we speak of 'love' - there is the problem of language. What do we actually mean by 'Love'? are we all actually speaking of the same thing or are we giving different phenomena (depending on how we see it/understand it etc)  the same name. Also people at different stages of self-development are likely to 'see' and experience love differently. The true and deepest form of love is an experience, and as with the most abstract and highest phenomena humans experience, by trying to explain it fails, because It by nature is irreducible and through description it's essence is lost.

'The end of fear is the beginning of all wisdom'

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Our great goal in life is to love. The rest is silence.

We need to love. Even when it leads us to the land where the lakes are made of tears, to that secret, mysterious place, the land of tears!

Tears speak for themselves. And when we feel that we have cried all we needed to cry, they still continue to flow. And just when we believe that our life is destined to be a long walk through the Vale of Sorrows, the tears suddenly vanish.

Because we managed to keep our heart open, despite the pain.
Because we realised that the person who left us did not take the sun with them or leave darkness in their place. They simply left, and with every farewell comes a hidden hope.

It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

(taken from "Manuscript found in Accra", Paulo Coelho)

'The end of fear is the beginning of all wisdom'

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