
How To Start A Business From Scratch

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 Recently i discovered about myself that i have a talent for managing stuff.  I always liked to solve multiple problems at the same time , focus to make things work as good as possible and keep planning things. I can do these things effortlessly and they are fun to do. 

 Most of the things i manage are pretty insignificant ( computer data , a blog , strategic games , planning my - very low :) - spending budget , etc ) , it never occurred to me that i could start some sort of business and work on something that could make me serious money.

 It's good that i figured this about myself , but the main problem is that i have no idea what sort of business i want to start or how to do it. The closest thing i've done similar to this is online poker , which i treat similar to a business , i make some money with it and enjoy it , but because of multiple reasons the future of this is very uncertain.

 I don't even know where to start looking for the proper information , so i thought maybe i'll get here some useful advice. I don't know exactly what i want to do , but i do know for sure that i'm not willing to be a whore and sell my integrity for money , or work for someone else if i don't have the opportunity to own or lead sooner or later that business.

 I'm also kinda broke , which i guess makes this extra hard :)

Edited by SaynotoKlaus

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Identify your natural passions and then start doing research around those fields to see what opportunities are present in the marketplace. Start reading business books. Start subscribing to business magazines, blogs, or forums. Google is your best friend here. Start going to business conventions. Start networking. Start learning and training the necessary skill sets for your marketplace. Attend business seminars. Buy business & marketing related information products. Find a mentor, but not until you're clear about what you want to create.

Take my life purpose course. It will save you YEARS of dead-ends and painful strategic mistakes.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I can recommend 2 Books, especially if you are new to the topic of business:

  • Business Model Generation – for a very straight forward method for creating & prototyping business modells
  • Book yourself solid – a book which deals with 2 important topics: Firstly with defining your service and formulate it for your potential clients
    and secondly on how to get clients, which is probably the most important thing (after you defined what you want to offer)

I also can really recommend Leo's Life purpose, which was and still is a really mind opening experience. I actually already run my own
business ( and still this course was very important to show me in which ways I want to develop myself and
our agency.

Before you actually start your business, check if your can get any free consulting. Depending on country/region this varies, but
usually you can get some start-up consulting for free. 





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I solidly agree with Leo...

1- Know true to thyself..cherish the unique and special ability ingrained within you

2- write it down..plan...reverse engineer

3- execute baby steps...protect your newborn baby from naysayers predators and ..

P/E...P/E...P/E - Plan Execute...Plan Execute...Plan Execute

Patient and consistent actions...and myriads more...protect your mental faculty from toxic entities...ESPECIALLY those closest...they are deceptively "good" but look and observe how our lives have been what they are...if we stick to our inertia selves...and also the same people..environment..


so...keep searching within..and work on yourself.. keep yourself clean from ALL outside influences and clean from INNER self doubts.

for a start...


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I recommend trying Ramit Sethi's business school online. I have not done the whole course, but I have watched all of his free content and even from there I have gotten so much out of. I can definitely recommend it! His website is called "I will teach you how to be rich" Sounds good right? ;) But he is also very intelligent and super-business minded person with a lot of ideas and practical implications on how to make it.

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On 2/27/2016 at 11:49 PM, Dhana Choko said:

I recommend trying Ramit Sethi's business school online. I have not done the whole course, but I have watched all of his free content and even from there I have gotten so much out of. I can definitely recommend it! His website is called "I will teach you how to be rich" Sounds good right? ;) But he is also very intelligent and super-business minded person with a lot of ideas and practical implications on how to make it.

Hi Dhana...

sounds good :) ...i feel it more paradoxical as "good" is multi facet in view of perceptual in: the Egocentric Entrepreneur and the Ethical Entrepreneur...

I sense the evolution of mainstream "a dime a dozen" entrepreneurs out in the world..then...will it actually put more humanity leading to betterment...Earth and Life can do more along the lines of perpetuating goodness by renewals of Ethics and Care of everything all individuals can do; from their own selves to their immediate COIs (Circle of Influence)-> creating that ripple effect that ensures Mankind survival.

It is somehow elementary to just " rich"  of course we know.. just that I love to "hold your hand" and share the sweetness of repeating these things again :) 

Bless ya all

Edited by saufian

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