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Is the Universe Conscious?

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@nahtanoj  Yes, it appears that science is gradually shifting away from the materialist paradigm -- even if it has some ways to go to recognize the profound implications of this -- and it is long overdue. And there are now more than a few serious, sciencentific types, even former hardcore materialists, who are now making the case for the primacy of consciousness. To name just a few: Bernardo Kastrup (one-time CERN scientist and computer engineer); Donald Hoffman (cognitive scientist); Stuart Hameroff (anesthesiologist); Bruce Lipton (cell biologist), and the list goes on. But it may have to wait for a few more institutional, tenured 'dinosaurs', teaching the same old materialist dogma, to be put out to pasture, before the shift can really gain momentum. I remain cautiously optimistic, especially given how many bright young minds are appearing in forums like this, with a willingness to throw off the shackles and the blinders, and dare to dream of something beyond what those dinosaurs are preaching.

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Sounds fantastic and is entertaining to read, but it's still materialism. Such ideas or philosophies don't come close to Enlightment.

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Why don't you ask it?  I did.... and we laughed and laughed..... it's an inside joke.

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Yes you are

"Maybe aliens is sitting somewhere up there looking at this at like a video feed and jerking off to it. You don't know!" - Leo Gura, 2018

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Wow.  I can tell you that the Universe is conscious.  Do some Psychedelics and you will see that.  

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I don't want to create a new thread for this, there is enough thread created every day as it goes.

So I experienced again, for 20 times in a row, the astral projection (?) where you want to wake up, but can't.
You know, where you wake up, can move a feet or two, then you're sucked into your original position.
Obviously you're still dreaming, because if you could open your eyes, you could move for real.

This thought can't shut up for now after this "You can't do shit bitch"
Ok the bitch part has been added :ph34r:

Anyone knows anything about this stuff ? :) 

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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On 12/14/2017 at 10:39 PM, nahtanoj said:

Is the Universe Conscious?

Panpsychism is the belief that consciousness arises from all matter, and not just from complex entities such as human beings.  Einstein came around to this way of thinking in his latter years.

As @Girzo already pointed out, this is still materialism - as opposed to the non-dual understanding that all matter arises from consciousness.

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4 minutes ago, jse said:

consciousness arises from all matter

You can prove it with self-inquiry. You can find out that whatever you perceive is actually fully self-conscious in and of itself. There is no you on the other side that could have consciousness apart from the appearances. 

Maybe my last video on nothingness can help to realize it. The exercise is from 


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@Lauritz , that's one great vid!


5 minutes ago, Lauritz said:

  7 minutes ago, jse said:

consciousness arises from all matter

C'mon, I don't think like that anymore - I've been quoted out of context.  My non-dualistic reputation is now in tatters... ¬¬

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@jse  I feel there could be other interpretations of panpsychism, which don't necessarily deny the primacy of consciousness, however it's still a kind of dualism, and I agree that it is very different from nondual Idealism. And so, by definition, as ontological models, they can't be reconciled.

Bernardo Kastrup, who leans toward nondual idealism, elaborates upon this theme, which may be pertinent here ... 



Edited by snowleopard

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@Lauritz  Love that poem -- and that musical accompaniment -- from Kastrup's More Than Allegory, a wonderful book IMO -- especially Part 3, wherein he explores a possible futuristic take a how psychonauts may someday journey, revealing insights from an entity called 'The Other'. I still wonder if that poem may have been dictated by such a Daemon ;)

Edited by snowleopard

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@snowleopard Yes it is great :) Probably not many people can really grasp the deep transformation that this poem points to.

I will keep his book in mind ;) I would be interested to know his background experiences with psychedelics.

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@Lauritz  Being in The Netherlands, I suspect he has some experience with psychedelics, but if so, he hasn't revealed that in his writings -- at least not that I'm aware of. However, whether or not psychedelic-related, he has revealed having some paranormal and transpersonal experiences.

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