
Advanced Meditation- what do you experience??

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Hi guys, this forum and Leo's work is truly a blessing for humanity. I was an agnostic hedonist until I had an ego death/spiritual awakening experience a few months ago that completely changed my life and my outlook on life. I was fortunate enough to achieve this experience on psychedelic meds alone, I had never really meditated seriously and done any self inquiry until then (although I was raised Buddhist, I really didn't believe it and I never really meditated). After that experience, I discovered Leo's videos on youtube and started  meditating for 2-3 hours a day, improving my diet, and exercising more. When I meditate now, I can clear my mind and silence my ego/voice in my head and I get to the point where I see/imagine/visualize shapes/faces/figures usually when listening to bineural beats, but nothing too crazy. I know people who claim to have DMT-like experiences during meditation. My question for the people who have been meditating for a long time, what happens when you meditate now? Are advanced meditators able to achieve DMT-like experiences whenever they meditate? Thanks in advance! 

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@Glassgow22 awwwww! I get to be the first comment on your first post! Adorable!  I’ve been meditating for around 22 years or so. My current experience is similar to what you describe - nothingness in terms of mental activity. Years ago, on an ordinary day, five minutes into my typical 30 mins med, I was consumed into everything. I suddenly was everything. I cried for many days. Some time later, on a trip, it was realized, and integrated over a long period. Not sure if that’s a ‘dmt’ like experience, as I haven’t had dmt yet.  More recently, I’ve been using meditation with writing - in and out. It’s become a consistent process / resource. I also am able to get to the void in a few minutes, where as it used to take 30, then for a while it took 16 minutes or so. 

Congrats on the life change. That’s a beautiful thing. ❤️ And welcome to the rabbit hole!



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