
LSD Trip Report

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So a few nights ago, I took a gel-tab of LSD, not entirely sure of the mg, but it was by far the most potent I've ever had.

These insights were more immense than my DMT trips (not the effect itself, but what I took with me from the trip) - and this was one just a simple gel-tab. Granted this is more than likely the setting and my previous mood and my overall outlook on life, months after I've been following Leo.


There was a lot more throughout the trip that I am less able to put into words, but nevertheless the impact was there.

By the end of both insights I have a question for each one that is summarized for me to contemplate for myself beyond the trip. They are in italics.



Here's what I jotted down while on the come down from LSD:

"The insights i got during this experience has been absolutely profound. - it almost feels impossible to articulate at this point... It helped me break the world around me completely down, piece by piece. Layer after layer, until all that was left was seemingly a lie.

Silence, for example... I took off my headphones while listening to music, to bask in silence. But then there was the constant buzzing from the light being on, so after turning that off, the computer still made subtle noises, I turned that off too. I could hear noises from outside the room at this point, insignificant noises, but still enough to hear subtly, obviously unable to turn those noises off.
So when I finally basked in it, I realized silence itself is just a frame of reference based on experience - frequency is always there, just undetectable to the human ear.

simply being because it is never actually there.

is silence a lie in of itself?


Existence is power:
I sat in the dark in silence, staring at a candle for a decent, unknown period of time. I kept getting closer, my experience was constantly changing dramatically while very close to the dim light, until I finally blew the candle out. - I tried to view perspectives as if I had stripped away all that I am until all I was, was simply an existing consciousness. The power of pure thought intensified within me and shit I don't wanna get cliche' here but I became the universe in a sense. I became nothingness. Between nothingness and simply intention, everything else HAD to follow. The thought arose that simply having functional access to even just one limb allows you to interact with the world in ways one would not without 'tools' .

Is consciousness itself simply a tool?


On the come-down of this experience, it has been completely energetic, uplifting and thought-provoking in so many ways. I rode waves of emotion throughout it; happy, sad, inspired, awe-struck, and left me (in my opinion) a bit more humble from all of this. - I listened to 'how your mind distorts reality' in it's entirety, while on LSD... Man, the meaning behind some of these teachings are simply not all being picked up in their entirety by me, which is a good indicator that more thought-invoking activity is necessary in more frequency."

Edited by Omni

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@Omni Great report! ?I think I hear you on silence being not-real. (Lol) - as the hearer is illusionary too.  To me, consciousness is a word I use when referring to The One, though I don’t see that The One IS consciousness. I suspect consciousness is still a degree of separation so to speak. Psychadelics are so _________!!!!!



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