
Let Me Cure Your Depression

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I’m curious as to what causes depression and how some of you have overcame it.

I had an idea for my life purpose to help people specifically with depression but I’m not sure if my zone of genius would bring value to the table for depressed people. I’m really good at being playfully affectionate. With animals, friends, family etc... I have a way of making interactions playful and it usually brings smiles to peoples faces. For example, when I’m with a friend and I can see they’re feeling down, I’ll do some sort of teasing or crack a joke and it’s pretty easy for me to make them smile. Once I give them that first smile it’s usually a snowball effect and they feel better and better. Another example would be when I see a dog pouting. It comes so natural to me to go up and play with the dog and make it happy again. Or even a child in the supermarket who I can see isn’t happy to be there. I’ll make a silly face and cross my eyes or something and it usually cheers them up, or they look at me like I’m an idiot. Haha 

These questions are for anyone who is currently depressed or has ever experienced serious depression.

Would someone being playful with you help bring you out of depression? To know that you’ve got a friend in them? 

Would it help to have someone “see” you so that you feel loved and not alone? 

Whats the main thing that makes you feel depressed? 

Edited by Slade

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I think in general the main causes for depressions are traumas, addictions, sexual frustration and probably a hate towards our society, when you feel like you don't fit into this world.

I think back when I was really depressed, I would rather want to avoid someone who is playful, because me being unable to laugh about things would make me even more sad. But knowing that you have a friend in someone is surely a positive thing, although if it is naturally an introvert it might be exhausting to be in contact.

If you let that person tell you everthing that is on their mind, kind of cry out their problems with your help, it also is a good thing.

Edited by LaucherJunge

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What gives continuity to depression is thought

    ??    ?       ?

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Here are some main reasons of depression:

  • Effects of substance abuse: imbalance of substances in your body (hormones, neurotransmitters etc.) 
  • Poor health because of sleep/food/lack of moving/overworking which is similar to previous because ultimately it creates imbalance of your body substances. Also depression may be a result of some deseases like cancer (or chemo threatment), kidney failure etc.
  • Genetic issues: bipolar, epilepsy, schizophrenia, endogenous depression etc.
  • Conditioning/traumas/negative thinking habits (environmental stuff): your parents treat you like shit and you get used to think that you are bad and everyone wishes you evil, or vice versa parents love you so much that you can't handle life by yourself after that much care, bullying, betrayal, sexual abuse etc.
  • Existential stuff: reality is a total ego's disappointment. You will die no matter what, satisfying desires is chasing your own tale, pain is unavoidable and you will experience it no matter what. Takes some depression to accept and causes more depression if left unaccepted.
  • Avoiding pain/conflict/confusion/difficulties/uncertainty: working at a job that you hate, staying in a dysfunctional relationships, studying in the university because your parents conditioned you to go there, avoiding any risks at all etc.


On 12.12.2017 at 3:02 PM, Slade said:

Would someone being playful with you help bring you out of depression? To know that you’ve got a friend in them?

No, being playful is nice and can make people feel better in some cases but it's too little to cure depression, depression is a very strong and complicated psychophysiological habit that is caused by many factors and not just a bad mood, it takes a lot of work to overcome. Also in many cases quality kick in the ass is much more needed rather then being playful, can you kick people in the ass and make sure you won't do things worse and that you don't just push them?

On 12.12.2017 at 3:02 PM, Slade said:

Would it help to have someone “see” you so that you feel loved and not alone?

It would be helpful to have some person that can hold you accountable. But ultimately all of work is done by the depressed person because well, having fish is good, but you need to learn how to fish by your own. If they don't wanna cure their depression more than you there's not much you can do to help them.



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Attachment to the past as Anxiety is Attachment to the future.

Only in the Present you are Truly Free :)


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*I’m curious as to what causes depression*

something i have noticed from personal experience is that it comes from the lack of doing something emotional difficult but i am no expert so it might not be correct but i hope you can use it :) 

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Have you tried sending playful responses to depressed people on the forum?  You gotta just keep doing it in order to develop your craft.  I have been really depressed multiple times in my life, and the only thing that really helped was me figuring out how to take charge of my own life.  I cured me.  You aren't gonna cure anybody, but you are so welcome to share your joy and insights, while maintaining healthy boundaries around people who need to do their own work.

Be curious about what cause you to feel depressed.  That's probably gonna be your greatest source of insight.

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@Slade if you want to understand depression, research the physical manifestations that it can bring, and how the body can heal itself. Uncertainty - choice - is a powerful gift we have. Also, psychedelics can take you right to the brink of uncertainty, the isness. That would be a helpful perspective in your tool box. Best of luck to you. That’s a noble lp imo. I think you have a unique gift. I often think, though it is an enormous generality, that depression is life without spirituality, without stopping to say “what am I”. 



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