Brandon Nankivell

Chakras: Legit or BS?

42 posts in this topic

@Brandon Nankivell Chakras are legit however there is alot of bullshit information out there. It's the big cash cow of the new age (and other) movements and with that comes alot of people trying to make money of it without having any clue about what it really is.

Take everything you read about it with a grain of salt. Especially from random homepages on the internet. Best to read about it from a trustful source.

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I'm interested to know whether the chakras and musical notes (do re mi fa so la si) are coincidentally the same number or not. Could it be that each chakra corresponds to each note or just coincidence? 

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Brandon Nankivell Chakras are legit in someway. These are real signficant point that are related to the nerves in our body, so when these are blocked in some way energy or connection gets lessend. For example your root chakra is related to the lower part of your body, if it's get less active, you become less in touch with the ground and attention shifts or get intensified in other areas.

The mental aspects arise because these chakras are also related to psychological stimulation and focus and as a consequence create the emotions that come along with blockages etc.

I hope it makes some sense.

The best example I can give is when you dont sport a lot and don't activelt stimulate your body, you get out of touch with it's shape and sensitivity, thus start to live more inside your head. This in turn can make you feel less grounded, and show the symptoms of a weakend root chakra.

It's important to keep the right balance of stimulation of all chakra's or just your whole mental and physical body.

If anyone has a different view of what they represent please comment!

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1 hour ago, realname said:

I can feel pressure there too, if I really want to, or it sometimes happens by itself, like yesterday. Still I attribute it to nerve activity. I've done a lot of energy work before, which I think is just stimulating your nervous system. I wrote in my journal here why I stopped doing it.

Yeah, it's fine to consider it nerve activity. Labels don't really matter.

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2 hours ago, realname said:

What do you specifically mean by "energy"?

It's a rather loose term. But as you hit higher states of consciousness, you'll start to notice energy flowing through your body in weird ways. That's usually called Kundalini energy or Qi.

Body energy work is an entire sub-domain of self-improvement. There's Reiki masters you can go to, energy healers, etc. They can actually manipulating the energy around in your body. It sounds New-Agey, but it's pretty cool when to actually experience them working on you. Stuff shifts for you.

Energetic blockages are common causes of ailments like chronic fatigue, back pain, anger, etc. The body and mind are a highly interconnected system. Stop thinking of them as separate things. Most of your emotions transpire in your body, not your head.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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It isn't bullshit.

Last night I had 3 start of "something", the whole body was having huge orgasms and it felt like if I let it flow it would kill me (or maybe I'm just a huge pussy, which hum, could totally be the case :ph34r:).

I never done any yoga practices, and in my daily life if I do some body centered meditation I can fell the energy channeling in the entire body, it's amazing.

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@realname Discover for yourself what is true. I'm just a guy sharing ideas.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I read a nice quote somewhere in the Tibetan book of Living and Dying about Chakra's. Will search it and post here

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"In  short,"  writes  Kalu  Rinpoche,  "it  is  from  mind,  which embodies  the  five  elemental  qualities,  that  the  physical  body develops.  The  physical  body  itself  is  imbued  with  these  qualities,  and  it  is  because  of  this  mind/body  complex  that  we  perceive  the  outside  world—which  in  turn  is  composed  of  the five  elemental  qualities  of  earth,  water,  fire,  wind  and  space."3 The  Tantric  Buddhist  tradition  of  Tibet  offers  an  explanation  of  the  body  that  is  quite  different  from  the  one  most  of us  are  used  to.  This  is  of  a  psycho-physical  system,  which consists  of  a  dynamic  network  of  subtle  channels,  "winds"  or inner  air,  and  essences.  These  are  called,  respectively:  nadi, prana,  and  bindu  in  Sanskrit;  and  tsa,  lung,  and  tiklé  in  Tibetan. We  are  familiar  with  something  similar  in  the  meridians  and ch'i  energy  of  Chinese  medicine  and  acupuncture. The  human  body  is  compared  by  the  masters  to  a  city,  the channels  to  its  roads,  the  winds  to  a  horse,  and  the  mind  to  a rider.  There  are  72,000  subtle  channels  in  the  body,  but  three principal  ones:  the  central  channel,  running  parallel  to  the spine,  and  the  right  and  left  channels,  which  run  either  side  of it.  The  right  and  left  channels  coil  around  the  central  one  at  a number  of  points  to  form  a  series  of  "knots."  Along  the  central channel  are  situated  a  number  of  "channel  wheels,"  the  chakras or  energy-centers,  from  which  channels  branch  off  like  the  ribs of  an  umbrella. Through  these  channels  flow  the  winds,  or  inner  air.  There are  five  root  and  five  branch  winds.  Each  of  the  root  winds supports  an  element  and  is  responsible  for  a  function  of  the human  body.  The  branch  winds  enable  the  senses  to  operate. The  winds  that  flow  through  all  the  channels  except  the  central  one  are  said  to  be  impure  and  activate  negative,  dualistic thought  patterns;  the  winds  in  the  central  channel  are  called "wisdom  winds."

The  "essences"  are  contained  within  the  channels.  There  are red  and  white  essences.  The  principal  seat  of  the  white  essence is  the  crown  of  the  head,  and  of  the  red  essence  at  the  navel. In  advanced  yoga  practice,  this  system  is  visualized  very precisely  by  a  yogin.  By  causing  the  winds  to  enter  and  dissolve  in  the  central  channel  through  the  force  of  meditation,  a practitioner  can  have  a  direct  realization  of  the  luminosity  or "Clear  Light"  of  the  nature  of  mind.  This  is  made  possible  by the  fact  that  the  consciousness  is  mounted  on  the  wind.  So  by directing  his  or  her  mind  to  any  particular  point  in  the  body,  a practitioner  can  bring  the  winds  there.  In  this  way  the  yogin  is imitating  what  happens  at  death:  when  the  knots  in  the  channels  are  released,  the  winds  flow  into  the  central  channel,  and enlightenment  is  momentarily  experienced. 

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Chakra work goes back to ancient times even mentioned in Emerald Tablets dating back 15000 - 30000 years ago. They are energy centers. This is no BS. We are Energy Beings, Ultimately.


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6 hours ago, Greatnestwithin said:

@Leo Gura is there any playlist on youtube for kriya yoga? 

if you want books about kriyas and kundalini yoga just search for books written by yogi bhajan.

unborn Truth

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Chakras correlate to the endocrine system. I think they are different levels/aspects of consciousnesses in human evolution and hugely aid us towards a better understanding of our human nature. Glands and organs are the physical manifestation of the energy of each chakra. Chakra means spinning wheel. First chakra is groundedness (connection to Earth) - deals with survival, physicality, abundant resources. It's our need for certainty and It represents whaever groundeness means to you, when you are a grounded man (or woman) that means you have a solid base, a healthy rootedness in being, which means a healthy first chakra. It's connected to the reptilian brain. Second chakra is sexual energy, creativity, emotions. Artistic vibes. Also influenced by the reptilian. Third chakra is power, self-esteem, status, higher purpose. This one is a pitfall for many individuals (low self esteem, or power hungry narcissist) and is connected to the ego. Heart chakra is compassion, love, social relationships. This is the realm of the subconscious mind. Feelings such as passion and love are found here. It also transcends the reality where everyone is concerned with himself (ego) and promotes more compassion towards others. Throat chakra is self-expression and is concerned with speaking your Truth. Third eye chakra is intellect (Transcending duality). extrasensory perception and psychic abilities, and last chakra is about Enlightenment (Realizing our oneness). It's definitely a very interesting topic but yet a majorly ambiguous one, lots of the stuff here just makes sense to me from what I've read and observed. I hope we can soon make more discoveries about chakras and reconcile them with our modern understanding of brain chemistry, physiology, psychology, because it seems to bridge the energetic gap between lots of fields of human study. Also chakras are meant to work together, because of their yin-yang nature, they are supposed to be balanced in order to work properly, and you can't have one in your life without including the other. These chakras meanings are unique to each individual, but have common themes. These are the six core needs (taken from Tony Robbins!) and they beautifully correlate with the chakra system also:

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8 hours ago, realname said:

@Leo Gura I don't have to be in a higher state of consciousness to feel it. There are simple ways to learn how to do it, but I don't want to promote them here. My theory is that it's electrical energy (maybe electromagnetic).

You seem to be adamant about definitions, but now it's a loose term? :)

Sorry, but I just roll my eyes at energy healers. I have enough experience (of dealing with them). You seem to be new to it so you are a bit uncritical.

@realname I had a Reiki sesh for the first time when I was in Hawaii this year. Overall it was a positive experience. She got me breathing, made a space where I could share emotions openly, and I ended up crying (releasing repressed emotion?) The only part I found awkward was when she asked me if I could feel the 'energy ball' (which I couldn't) she was directing through my limbs with her hand hovering over me. I see value in exercises like these and don't doubt the connection between mind and body, I think I just have an issue with the new-agey connotations attached the terms one typically uses.

Edited by Brandon Nankivell

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@Brandon Nankivell  Do some research into how old the system is. Then ask yourself why it is still around ? Then you will have your answer.

Better yet suspend your judgment and learn the system and see how it directly effects you. Then make you opinion . The problem with most people is they want to form an opinion out of complete ignorance.

Do not be most people we have to many of those already.


Edited by Source_Mystic

I no longer advocate, participate, condone, or support or Leo Gura in anyway. The reasons are left in the few post I left behind. 

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@Leo Gura I love 

On 12/10/2017 at 2:25 PM, Leo Gura said:

Yoga practices are usually kept secret and only disclosed through face-to-face training. Yoga is a highly technical art. You cannot learn it through videos.

But lucky for you I have a book on my book list that discloses every secret Kriya yoga technique! It's a killer book. Could change your entire life if you actually do what it says.

The only trick is, it requires radical openmindedness to comprehend.

I love Leo like Leo loves Leo. Lol. Thanks for all this. What category is it in?

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On 12/10/2017 at 2:38 PM, Leo Gura said:

Search for "Kriya" in the Consciousness category.

Never mind. Lol. I hate reading sometimes. I get bored easily although this shit is interesting asf. 

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On 12/10/2017 at 5:42 PM, Shin said:

It isn't bullshit.

Last night I had 3 start of "something", the whole body was having huge orgasms and it felt like if I let it flow it would kill me (or maybe I'm just a huge pussy, which hum, could totally be the case :ph34r:).

I never done any yoga practices, and in my daily life if I do some body centered meditation I can fell the energy channeling in the entire body, it's amazing.

Yoga? Body (or breath based) meditation IS raja yoga. If you can allow the choppier/courser vibes to settle in favor of more subtle movements you will get deeper, and gain insight. Then again it takes some yogis/yoginis a few years to purify/pacify those course vibrations. Apply the 4 truths to the feedback loops. No reason to take forever if you are mindful of what  is happening with your attention, and what attitudes lead to letting go of tension.

Sounds like what Therevada buddhism maps as Jhana. The experience if vastly more powerful than orgasms however, even multiple/tantric (well, tantric could be an exception at times, but that is for Insight.) Jhana is a concentration practice, which if I am not incorrect, some TIbetan practitioners also attain via different but similar techniques. See Leigh Brasington's Right Concentration - Practical Guide to the Jhanas, or The Vissudhimagga/Vimmutimagga for the hardcore details/instructions. These practices, when used for more than just simple craven "pleasure feeding", build discernment, sharpening "Manjushri's Sword." Valuable skills can be built, such as learning the difference between discernment and delusion/hindrance....Makyo and Kensho, or peace vs. fear and disaster. Plus the kind of surrender needed for full Jhanic absorption is good human training for A&P or Magga Phala, if one chooses to find these maps useful in their work. On the other hand, some only use Jhana for pleasure seeking, and fail to see the insights, don't gain discernment, and worse -- use Jhana to escape responsibility from life's grit by hiding in Bliss. So I'd keep an eye on that, since that's not the path (out of suffering).



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1 minute ago, Sri Ramana Maharshi said:

re: concentration practices.

Another pretty good source for Jhana and other concentration tips is in Daniel Ingrams Hardcore Dhamma practice book, I am paraphrasing the title atm. But then if you are going to use that, might as well jump right on into Vipassana, after a small amount of initial concentration/following breaths. However, his fire Kasina instructions are incredible and work wonders for many students to get into the Jhanas and more very rapidly. Nimitta based practices are like "Prednizone" for your Samadhi (concentration), if you don't mind some reflex/cultivated hallucination in your life, perhaps for a long time :) hahaha! Worth it!

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On 10/12/2017 at 8:26 PM, Max_V said:

@Leo Gura Could you actually practice yoga on your own without any guidance? 

I wouldn't recommend doing Kundalini/kriya type yoga without learning it from someone that knows their shit, and even finding someone like that can be luck of the draw. I guess there are simpler exercises which you can do, but the kundalini system is suuuper complex.

Vinyasa yoga is doable without deeper technical knowledge, with the help of good instructional videos and patience. Word of caution tho - it's really important not to go too hard in the beginning as your body awareness is quite low, so you might do poses too aggressively and strain shit.

Edited by the dream

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On 10-12-2017 at 0:18 PM, Brandon Nankivell said:

I'm super interested in discussion as to why or why don't you involve yourself with chakras ^_^

I do not. It's just another play with form. Being outside of form is much easier and more direct.

Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.

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