
Low energy problems

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How to solve the problems with low energy and extreme exhaustion and what may be the ultimate reason? The most people have experienced the extreme tiredness and low energy after long day at 9-5 job. This may be normal but when you feel constantly down and tired it becomes the major issue. This becomes the barrier to accomplish the things you want and to stay focused on your goals. I watched Leo's video about training and how it requires enormous energy and dedication to master something. I tried to clean up my diet and exercise in a very disciplined way but it did not improve much. I see some of my peers living very unhealthy lifestyles - eating junk food, partying, drugs, drinking but they still have the lot energy compared to me. That is really discouraging...

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Get a blood test to check your thyroid hormone levels. Under-active thyroid is one of the most common causes of chronic fatigue.

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  On 12/10/2017 at 1:40 AM, Leo Gura said:

Get a blood test to check your thyroid hormone levels. Under-active thyroid is one of the most common causes of chronic fatigue.

Yes I already did that and couple of other tests too but nothing showed up. I have constant coughing and hot flashes though. Everything seems to be ok with my blood tests. Doctors are clueless.

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@egoless Chronic fatigue is a very common issue that has hundreds of possible factors/causes. It's not an easy thing to sort out. Many books have been written on the subject. You'll have to take things into your own hands, do the research, and troubleshoot the problem one factor at a time. It can be frustrating, but if you can find a cure for yourself, it will be worth the effort.

Energetic blockages are something to look into.

Heavy metal toxicity is another thing to look into.

Physical ailments are not just physical. They are often psychological in origin. Especially something like chronic fatigue.

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  On 12/10/2017 at 2:05 AM, Leo Gura said:

@egoless Chronic fatigue is a very common issue that has hundreds of possible factors/causes. It's not an easy thing to sort out. Many books have been written on the subject. You'll have to take things into your own hands, do the research, and troubleshoot the problem one factor at a time. It can be frustrating, but if you can find a cure for yourself, it will be worth the effort.

Energetic blockages are something to look into.

Heavy metal toxicity is another thing to look into.

Physical ailments are not just physical. They are often psychological in origin. Especially something like chronic fatigue.

I also suspect stress and general anxiety (I am brave though not boasting). But it is so hard to rule this psychological factors out. Because when you suffer from those quite a long time it becomes your natural state and you almost not even notice them anymore.

Edited by egoless

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  On 12/10/2017 at 2:19 AM, blazed said:

@egoless Sometimes I feel like i have chronic fatigue too but it might just be general laziness :D about the chronic coughing do you take vitamin supplements? I seem to get Chronic coughing with those, and i also get mouth ulcers from too much sugar, even it its fruits.

Yes I've had ulcers and very bad acidity problems. Most likely the coughing is result of these issues. I've done some treatment but as doctors say it will never completely go away.

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  On 12/10/2017 at 2:24 AM, blazed said:

ulcers and bad acidity problems is most likely a diet problem, one of my ex's uses to get bad acid reflux due to eating oily or fried food, and red meats. She was fine with soups and boiled chicken etc. You might have an allergy to a certain food.

My coughing gets especially noticeable after drinking a beer and smoking. 

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  On 12/10/2017 at 2:28 AM, blazed said:

Joke? :D

No I don't joke. I don't drink much and don't smoke frequently. I am a social smoker. Also my coughing usually starts in the morning right when I wake up. 

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One thing that’s been making me feel better lately are some supplements I am taking

GNC Mega Men Daily Supplement — highly recommended!


Turmeric plus a few peppercorns to activate it

Vitamin C

Acai capsules


Edited by Joseph Maynor

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First of all a healthy diet helps. Iodine is very underrated I recommend to supplement about 100-200 µg a day. Drinking water with lemon juice is great also.
If you are watching porn or masturbating alot that will be the main reason.
Try cold showers, they energize you alot.

Edited by LaucherJunge

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My chronic fatique was due to underlying anxiety disorder. Psychotherapy has helped with it, but also helped me to develop better habits to support my energy levels. I also had a long road to discovering that, because legit physical problems come to mind first. But nothing like that was found. Only psychological issues.

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What about your sleep? Please tell how much and how regulary you sleep. Also, are you taking any stimulants, like coffee or tea? If yes, that could be a factor too.

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@Girzo Yeah about sleep I have very bad sleep. I usually sleep 5-8 hours a day but I go to bed very late at 1-3am. But still I tried to go to bed at 10pm for 1-2 weeks and get 8 hours a day but it did not help much.

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Yeah, personally I have started seeing serious results when everything got combined. That means regular sleep - going to bed between 10-11PM and waking up at 6-6:30AM (without alarm) - eating more fruit and veggies, loss of weight and less work. But sleep is the most important factor, without it I feel numbed, mean and almost antisocial. Its not about amount of rest, but it's quality.

I seriously encourage you to experiment more with the sleep routine.

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Maybe try some Yoga too. Since I started doing it about a year ago my energy levels and general well being have gone through the roof! It’s pretty easy too, all you need is a Yoga mat and your away.

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It's a little more unusual, but I have an idea you could try, if it resonates with you! I don't know how much you know about the subconscious mind, but the summary version is that it provides solutions to your problems if and only if you program it with the necessary intention.

So, my suggestion is to start every day by saying "May I have more energy than ever before, for the benefit of all." Notice that this is a command, as is your right as an aspect of the divine ;) Then, whenever you remember throughout the day (please don't judge yourself for forgetting, only congratulate yourself for remembering!), look for confirmation that you have the energy you need to do things. Even if it's just getting dressed, deliberately point out the fact that you had enough energy to perform the task - "Look how much energy I must have to be able to put on my clothes!"

Once your subconscious realises how much you value energy, it will begin to manifest ways to bring you more of it.

May you be blessed with boundless energy :x

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Supplement with Nascent Iodine if you do not eat enough sea vegetables/Algae like Spirulina/Chlorella - It will change your life :) Also eat a lot of fruits and get out in nature/sunlight daily and do some exercise!

Edited by pluto


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@egoless  I can only speak for my own experience but these are two suggestions.

1. Make sure you're getting enough sleep, notice the difference between what you normally get and how long you sleep when you don't set your alarm clock. I used to think I only needed 7 hours and now realize I function much better on 8. 

2. So I don't know much about you, I as well have suffered from pretty bad anxiety for the better part of my life. The main reason for this is that I lost touch with the person I wanted to become, with my dreams, my drive. I always thought I had clear dreams but when I really looked inward I noticed my own lack of self-confidence had me expecting high achievement from myself while judging myself for showing desire for these goals. Upon showing this desire when I was younger, I was severely bullied, and since I've judged myself in the same way. Know your goal but also be proud of having it, don't let judgement stop you from wanting it with all your heart. Not sure if this will help you it might be physical as well, if you I have only done weight lifting or aerobics I suggest the other type of exercise

Edited by In Progress

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  On 12/11/2017 at 7:59 PM, Shiva said:

@egoless Do you exercise?

I get very tried at work right after lunch, normally.

For a couple of weeks now I take the stairs to get back from the canteen to the office. I work on the 8th floor. 

Just this little exercise after lunch makes a huge difference for my energy levels for the rest of the work day.

What are you eating? Is it healthy? Look up about the effects of raw whole food and cooked food, cooked food generally takes your energy, while raw whole foods give you energy. 

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@egoless I've been struggling with low energy problems for years, and this is what I do to fight it:


This is my number 1 priority. Get enough sleep. I sleep roughly 9 hours each day. I make the sleeping room as dark as possible. I read books because they help me fall asleep really well.

I go to bed at 22:00 every single day. Always the same time. This is important because your body will get used to this rhythm. I get up every day at 7:30. Also in the weekends.

Don't half ass on sleep. Bad sleep affects your ability to do anything well during the day. To get yourself more motivated to do well on this, watch this:



Drink enough water. Most people don't nearly drink enough water each day. Drink so much to a point where you feel like it is too much, then it's probably enough. Water helps your body to clear out toxins. Your pee should be very clear. If it's yellow and smelly, you're not drinking enough, except maybe morning pee.


I meditate half an hour each day. I don't think you need to know more about this one.


I exercise every day. One day it's running, the other day it's body weight fitness. It doesn't matter what you do, but get your heart pumping fast for a while every day. Do this every day at the same time so it's easier to make it a habit. Exercise gives you energy, makes you happy, and helps you sleep better.


My daily food intake:

  • Oatmeal with blueberries, and 1 cooked egg in the morning.
  • @10:30, a raw carrot.
  • Lunch: 4 whole wheat sandwiches with grass-fed unsalted butter with apple sirup (with added iron) and 100% peanut peanut butter. An apple.
  • @15:30, Leo's smoothie:
  • Diner: Cooked vegetables and potatoes and biological local meat (meat only every other day) (regular Dutch diner)
  • @19:30, after workout, cottage cheese with 85% pure chocolate, muesli, linseed.

Also, 5x green tea or water a day. 2x fat fish a week. The only supplements I'm taking are vitamin D in the winter. I'm low on supplements because I can get most I need out of food because we can get much locally and European regulations help food not being too crappy around here.

No sugar, no processed food, no fast-carbs. But I do have 2 cheat moments installed each week on Wednesday evening and Saturday at diner. This helps me control food craving and I might drop these moments easier in the future.

Clean air

I make sure the air in my home is as clean as possible by ventilating much and I must be outside every day for a short while. Preferably in nature. However the air outside is always cleaner than inside, even in the city. Also, get some sunlight if possible each day. A short exposure to the sun is very good for you. Even looking towards the sun for a few seconds (not longer!) is beneficial.


Be grateful every day. Make a journal every day where you write down what you've done well today, and what your grateful of. Doesn't have to be anything big, this just traines your mind to be more positive all the time.


Hugs are very good for you. Preferably hug a human being, but a pet is also fine. If you don't have a pet buy a big stuffed animal and hug with that daily. It's extremely powerful.

Clean up

Do your chores in the house. Not doing them keeps mental weight around. Clean up and clear up mess. Throw stuff away you don't need, makes your life easier and less to clean.


Just recently I started doing this. Don't know much about it yet but studies show it's good for your energy levels.

Cold showers

I take cold showers 4x a week, in the morning. They give huge amounts of energy, instead of draining you like a hot shower does. They also make you mentally much stronger.


It took me about 5 years to create the habits to do all this, so it's not something you can fix overnight. If you want to take it even further, I recommend this book:

Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.

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