
Gazing at mirror after Self-Inquiry

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I encourage you to go stand in front of a mirror after self inquiry and look at your face. 

I just had an opening of  awareness when I did this. After having done the inquiry and then actually looking at what you believe you are, can make you suddenly disidentify from the belief of you being the body. It’s pretty amazing. I was right there being  absolutely nothing for 1 1/2 second. It was freaky as hell. 

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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Absolutely powerful, I agree! I wanted to add an extra mindfulness trick. As you are brushing your flossing your teeth, try to watch yourself really closely and try to identify as the person in the mirror instead of yourself. So instead of thinking of "your arm" flossing, associate the muscles of your hands flossing as the one in the mirror and not with your real hands.  Eventually, you will realize how easy it is to begin to identify with something that actually isn't you. It starts to make you question if you identify with yourself the same way you would fool yourself with a mirror, like watching a first person movie, which you eventually believe you are that person. 

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I had been watching Leo's for a long time without doing too many exercises. Still when I looked at a mirror my first question was "Who is that?"

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Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and tell the reflection "I'm not you" as an exercise.

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