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Lucid dreaming being conscious and 'unconscious' at the same time

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As an avid lucid dreamer and having learnt how to get into this state easily, it has revealed something fascinated about the 'distinction' between the egoic self and the true self.When you start to go under the lucid dream you will start to panic, it feels as if you're going away forever , you have a choice to surrender or think about moving and doing it, the mental thought of moving will get you out before you go start to loose control over your thoughts, your actions and most importantly your sense of self. The level of awareness however remains the same, its not like when you are asleep normally, and you see a pink elephants and don't question it, your mind still interprets things, it just doesn't feel like you're doing it.


When you are lucid dreaming you're mental functions are reduced, you can't take in loads of information from the environment and carry out complex activities, the brain and body always will collect information from the environment to keep you alive,. It keeps you breathing without any conscious effort from 'you' it knows to get itself of your duvet if you get caught up and risk suffocating. Being egoless in this state reveals that you are a silent observer, the mind will have a hard time adjusting to this as it is being moved and directed by a process that it can't comprehend.

Lucid dreaming also reveals that you don't need an ego to be successful, the stories in your mind about what you are drop away, theres no I have to behave this way or I need to get better, everything is happening. You didn't make a failure, a failure happened.The process inside the body and outside are the same




"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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@Chives99 Yeah so true I usually have lucid dreams and what you said about surrendering and feeling like going away forever I had a dream just about that I was floating and moving fast going nowhere and I just felt like if I let it continue I would never be back again it really felt like death at that moment I was thinking about what my family would do without me and couldn't handle it anymore so I woke myself up and I was thinking it would be easy since I felt like I was conscious already but as I was waking myself up I felt like going through many phases to then realize the difference of awareness I had just experienced.

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I went once into the void (after a REM).

My mind was somehow anesthetized so I wasn't scared.

My body extended to the infinite blackness, like still water.

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