
Talking About "spiritual Bypassing", And How Seeking Enlightenment Can Lead To Delusions & Pseudo-science.

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you make an important point in your OP.

The western culture has no tradition of spiritual truth seeking as it is the case in, say, India, Native America or Australia...

Therefore the risk to "get lost" in the process is more likely than in an environment where the spiritual plane is common language (of the tradition).

We live in a time of global inter-connection and many traditions come together all at once. There actually IS a risk in this. But also it is a general Paradigm Shift of our time. All the knowledge of all times is right under you fingertipps. You will need discipline to look up words you don't understand fully, look them up anew when used in a different context or by another Tradition. All the traditions and systems generally are "languages" to convey the ultimate or help you get there. 
Of course, take care of your finances and your well-being. Your body, mind and the identities (ego or call it whatever you like) you wear are just tools in this game  on this very physical plane.

Spirituality can help you to upgrade your components (identities, abilities, dreams and goals) but you are right, it IS a two-edged sword.

I've know people who had big ascension experiences (really really high states) only to crash soon after. They felt so huge and "invincible"...

You know the old saying: "When you think you're enlightened, go visit your family for a week".


And yes, we all need to define for ourself what we are after in this "road to enlightenment".

The delusions, weak moments, confusions and all this, however, is inevitable on this path. That's for sure. As we undo our delusions and suffering, we of course run right into them. Keep the faith. Honor the truth you've found already. And don't argue with people who do not appreciate your endavour. Make it a private thing. Commit to your own awakening and align only with the type of person who is interested himself or is in it already.


Kind regards, 

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2 hours ago, Sigma said:

I am willing to know the truth at the cost my life. 

@Ayla But the realization hasn't been achieved yet and "I" still persists even though its an illusion And therefore its just the expression of how bad "I" want the realization, how can "I" stop wanting it before having a realization? "I" will only in a sense stop wanting it after having a realization.o.O

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9 minutes ago, Sigma said:

@Ayla But the realization hasn't been achieved yet and "I" still persists even though its an illusion And therefore its just the expression of how bad "I" want the realization, how can "I" stop wanting it before having a realization? "I" will only in a sense stop wanting it after having a realization.

But the realization hasn't been achieved yet (no realization is needed, you already ARE it) and PERSON still persists even though its an illusion (it is in fact a sort of buildup that hypnotizes I) And therefore its just the expression of how bad I+PERSON want the realization, how can PERSON stop wanting it before having a realization (by not believing any of the wanting)? PERSON will only in a sense stop wanting it after having a realization. 

Solution is not to believe in the person any longer. Treat it all like Santa :D 


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2 minutes ago, Ayla said:

But the realization hasn't been achieved yet (no realization is needed, you already ARE it) and PERSON still persists even though its an illusion (it is in fact a sort of buildup that hypnotizes I) And therefore its just the expression of how bad I+PERSON want the realization, how can PERSON stop wanting it before having a realization (by not believing any of the wanting)? PERSON will only in a sense stop wanting it after having a realization. 

Solution is not to believe in the person any longer. Treat it all like Santa :D 

Does that mean I AM Santa???

xD xD xD

Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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Just now, abrakamowse said:

Does that means I AM Santa???

xD xD xD

Person you is :) 


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1 minute ago, Ayla said:

Person you is :) 

I AM nothingness


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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14 minutes ago, Pinocchio said:

"Demons keep us unfocused and distracted." I continue, "which is something the Spiritual Autolysis is very effective at cutting through. The need to deal with tormenting demons comes up again and again as we progress, so you have to know what to do as a matter of policy; keep climbing or jump down and fight? My advice: Fight when you have to, climb when you can. Further is everything. Use the writing to keep your-self in tight focus and the demons will die from lack of attention."

Interesting read...

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That's really good @Pinocchio I am reading Spiritual Enlightenment: Damnest Thing by Jed Mc Kenna too.

I have to add that one to my "to read" list.

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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5 minutes ago, Pinocchio said:

Why skip part 2 of the trilogy.

Not as good?

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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Oh, I didn't know Damnedest was part of a trilogy, LOL... thanks! I will add that one too.


Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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@asgard94 Thank you for thinking of everyone and not just yourself! Secondly we get the fact that our problems are not going to just disappear one day however everyone needs something to hold on to give them the strength to face the problems, this is more like mediating and unwinding for maybe a few hours just to prepare for the worst and when you face your problem it no longer seems like one. 

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