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My first attempt at not putting up with BS

2 posts in this topic

This should be interesting. 

Not gonna take this bs. Putting my foot down. 

This is going to sound really lame, but it’s a HUGE step for me. In the past, my partner (who relies on drugs to get rid of stress, blames everyone for his problems, etc) would forget to do certain things. But, I’d always be there to help out, sweep up the mess, etc. Well, this time, he has forgotten to give me money to pick up something for a family member. 

Yes, in the past, I’d do it (to avoid conflict) and he would pay me back eventually. 

Guess what’s happening today?  I’m not picking it up. 

I know I know, this is lame and any normal person would have ended this behaviour a long time ago. But, today I’m fed up. I’m sick of being a doormat. So guess what, he can be responsible for his own pitfalls from now on. I’m not supporting this shit behaviour. 

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